Are you looking to try something new to fill these long COVID days?


But it’s the middle of winter, why would I do that now?

  1. With fewer leaves on the deciduous trees and bushes it makes it easier to spot the birds.
  2. Many ducks and geese are at their most colorful in the winter, in preparation for the coming mating/nesting season.
  3. Birds are everywhere, from your backyard and neighborhood, through the flatlands, and into the foothills and mountain parks. Note that bird species—in fact all species of flora and fauna—are most numerous near water. The riparian areas (along streams and lake shores) provide the lushest vegetation, satisfying birds’ needs for sustenance, and cover for their nests.
  4. Birding satisfaction merely requires a little patience and time to watch and listen for them, while being quiet and mindful of the area. You’ll be amazed at how many of the sounds of birds—and in fact the natural world in general–are revealed when you stand quietly. Eventually, you’ll be able to identify different types of birds not only by sight, but also be their calls and songs.
Mountain Chickadee, photo courtesy of eBird

Mountain Chickadee, photo courtesy of eBird

The Jeffco Open Space Bird Species Checklist lists 388 possible species present in Jefferson County. For example, in September, 2015, 195 individual birds, representing 31 species, were sighted over four and one-half hours by a small group of bird watchers at the West end of Mount Falcon Open Space Park. Go to the ebirdhotspots website for lists of birds currently being viewed in various park areas in Jefferson County.

So, has Miss Mountain Manners tweaked your interest?  If so, here are some of the many birds you might find as Spring progresses in the following parks:

Crown Hill–in the lake: Ring-billed Gull, Common Merganser, Mallard, Coot, Goldeneye; in the reeds at the water’s edge: Red-winged Black Bird; in the trees: American Kestrel, Red-Tailed Hawk.

Stellar's Jay, photo courtesy of Boulder Audubon

Stellar’s Jay, photo courtesy of Boulder Audubon

South Valley Park: Mallard (in the pond near the main entrance), Mountain and Western Bluebird, Red-tailed Hawk, Magpie, Prairie Falcon, Scrub Jay, Towhee.

White Ranch: Steller’s Jay, Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Dark-eyed Junco.

Mount Falcon: Pygmy Nuthatch, Black-capped and Mountain Chickadee, Common Raven, Townsend’s Solitaire.

Walk a mile: the paved path that circles the lake at Crown Hill is 1.2 miles long, while the Coyote Song/Swallow trails loop at South Valley is 2 miles. Miss Mountain Manners says, “Get out there and watch for our feathered friends,” you will not be disappointed! Be sure to stay on designated trails to protect the habitat and animals.

How do you identify a bird? First, get your general impression, the size and shape of the bird (“giss” in bird watcher talk). Then, look for the color of the bill, marks around the eyes, breast color, wing bars, and tail markings. Now refer to your guide book.

As it warms up: Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory’s Hawk Watch is a volunteer program to monitor the migration of raptors along the Dakota Hogback of Dinosaur Ridge in Jeffco, from mid-March through mid-May. Visitors are welcome. Parking is across the road from Mathew-Winters Park.

Pygmy Nuthatch, photo courtesy of eBird

Pygmy Nuthatch, photo courtesy of eBird

Portions of several JCOS parks are closed to protect ground-nesting bird habitats, nesting birds of prey, and nesting and brooding waterfowl: Clear Creek Canyon Park, Deer Creek Canyon Park/Hildebrand Ranch Park, North Table Mountain Park, South Table Mountain Park, and Cathedral Spires Park (generally from February 1 – July 31, but check each park site for specific details). Miss Mountain Manners reminds you to respect the closures, they mean more birds in the future. (Parks may also be closed due to mud.)

Grab your binoculars, a bird book (David Sibley’s “Field Guide to Birds of Western North America” is recommended), and maybe a bird app for your phone (Merlin, eBird, Audubon Birds, iBird Pro, National Geographic), then enjoy the quietness of the natural world and a new sense of connection with the wild.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Open Space Update – January 2021

It’s been a busy start to 2021, let’s take a look at what’s been happening at Open Space during January… 

Crown Hill Park – Kestrel Pond & Park Plans

A collaborative effort between Park Services, Natural Resources and the Trails Teams started the process of removing two of the three old, deteriorated wildlife viewing blinds in the Kestrel Pond area of Crown Hill Park.

Elizabeth O’Brien, JCOS Planner Extraordinaire, narrates an update on the Park Plan & 2020-2023 actions at Crown Hill Park.  Sincere thanks to all staff involved in the improvements to this much-loved Park.  Check out the video for details! https://youtu.be/dZINHajMMM8


Clear Creek Canyon Park: Gateway Segment Update – Stairs, Restrooms & Park Video

The Trails Team is constructing timber steps leading from the Peaks to Plains Trail to the east side of the wooden flume.

The Building & Historic Sites Team is installing siding, roofing and plumbing and electrical to the restroom during the month of January.

Check out the great progress being made in Clear Creek Canyon in this month’s video update. https://youtu.be/QgPYGt0g2C0

Dinosaur Ridge – Rockfall Mitigation

Rockfall mitigation at the upper curve of Dinosaur Ridge began during the week of 1/18 and continued through nearly the end of January.  Mitigation efforts at the project area included removal of loose rock on the rock slope and installation of rock mesh, which is now draped over the rock face and secured with a steel cable and steel bars which are anchored five feet into bedrock. This mesh is meant to direct future rockfall to the toe of the slope, improving overall visitor safety.

Pedestrian and cycling traffic on the Ridge did remain open during construction but the Arthur Lakes Lookout was temporarily closed during construction.

Reynolds Park – Fuel Break

This project began in the spring of 2019, with the JCOS forestry team operating large equipment and the youth contractor, TeamWorks, providing most of the labor.  We created a 10-acre, 200-foot fuel break along Foxton Road.  The 10 acres managed in this project were identified as the most hazardous section of JCOS property along Foxton by our partners at Elk Creek Fire Protection District.  The fuel break is part of a larger effort to create safe ingress and egress for emergency response and evacuation for residents along the entirety of Foxton Road.  Jefferson Conservation District, the Colorado State Forest Service, Denver Mountain Parks, Beaver Ranch Community, Inc., and several private residents have worked together on this landscape-scale effort.

South Table Mountain – Russian Olive Removal

Natural Resource Team members will complete Russian Olive removal work along the Welch Ditch on the north side of South Table Mountain this week.  The team is timing this important invasive species removal work to be completed before the Golden Eagle nest protection closure. Russian Olive is native to Eurasia and is a Colorado List B noxious weed; containment is required in Jeffco.

Elk Meadow Park Improvements Planning – the Open Space Planning Team has been hard at work for the last year, putting together a proposed series of improvements for Elk Meadow OS Park, which are detailed in this memo, Greenprint Implementation Details. If you’re familiar with the Jeffco Open Space 2020-2025 Conservation Greenprint, this memo falls in line with implementing Goal 10, trailhead improvements to help improve the visitor experience. 2021 will be the design year, 2022 the implementation and construction year.

On December 8, 2020, the Planning Team proposed series of improvements to Management Team for Elk Meadow Park.  These improvements were proposed after a series of meetings, site visits and discussions with Open Space staff throughout 2020 and can be found detailed in this memo.  The recommendation included is the culmination of that work related to enhancing the visitor experience through trailhead improvements.   Design is planned for this year and construction in 2022.

Clear Creek Canyon Park Gateway Restroom Update – the electrical work for the restroom has passed rough-in inspection and drywall installation has begun.

Undesignated Trail Restoration Preparation – You know that spring is on its way when the Trails Team starts harvesting and peeling logs for new buck-n-rail fencing, which will be used to help with restoration of all the undesignated trails in all the Open Space Parks.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space how proud we are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say “thank you”.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


Bruce Bryant, In Memoriam 1930-2021

Bruce Bryant, 90, passed away on January 12, 2021, in Boulder, Colorado. Bruce was a passionate supporter of open spaces and natural resources; he was a member of PLAN Jeffco in its early days, as well as a member of the Clear Creek Land Conservancy, which is now part of Colorado Open Lands.

Bruce’s full obituary can be found here.

Memorial gifts in Bruce’s name can be made to Colorado Open Lands, 1546 Cole Blvd. #200 Lakewood, CO 80401 https://coloradoopenlands.org/


“Bruce was truly a champion of the natural world. His work in Geology in Co and AZ is extensive and excellent. He has been missed in the neighborhood.” — Jeff Bogard, CCLC/COL-AB Board Member

Hygge: Hot Chocolate in front of fireplace

Miss Manners – Winter Contemplation

Miss Manners says, “It’s winter. The parks are hunkered down.”

The days are short and often cold – time for the earth, its flora and its fauna, to conserve energy and renew. This period of dormancy helps plants rest up for renewed activity in the warmer days ahead. Many animals are in a survival mode, on minimum rations, and should not be disturbed.

When venturing out at this time of year:
* For yourself: dress in layers, stay hydrated, take along a snack, wear water-proof boots.
* For others: keep your distance, announce your presence as appropriate, wear a mask.
* For the parks: stay on the trail. If the trail is muddy, hike in the mud, don’t start a new parallel trail. If conditions permit, try snowshoes or x-country skis.

Alternate Plan B (once in a while): give nature the chance to restore itself. Put on your warmest socks, make yourself some hot chocolate, turn on your favorite music and enjoy the quiet time at home.

Winter by Rick Warr, June 2017

time to stop
hunker down
celebrate silence
breathe fresh air
enjoy winter
the quiet season


See you in a warmer, healthier 2021 spring. Until then, stay safe!
Miss Manners

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Take Photos, Leave Only Footprints

Photo credit: Colorado Parks & Wildlife

Miss Mountain Manners has a question for you: have you ever heard of a “cursed rock”? One person who was gifted with a “keepsake rock” from Colorado believes that the rock is cursed. Last July, Colorado Parks and Wildlife received a handwritten letter claiming that a stolen Colorado rock, brought back as a souvenir three years ago, has been responsible for “bad things happening ever since.” The rock was included with the letter.

Whether or not you believe the legend that if you remove rocks from their natural outdoor location  you’ll bring bad luck to yourself, it’s a good idea to leave no trace when you’re in the Great Outdoors, and that includes leaving rocks where you found them. You’ll find breath-takingly beautiful rock formations in our Clear Creek Open Space Park, and thankfully, most of the rocks are far too large (and heavy) to end up in anyone’s collection. But even when you find small rocks, look at them, study them, take pleasure in their beauty, and then leave them behind for others to enjoy.

As Colorado Parks & Wildlife tweets, ““The best practice when visiting any park or wilderness is to take only photographs and leave only footprints”. Miss Mountain Manners agrees!


Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


PLAN Jeffco December 2020 Newsletter is online

The December 2020 PLAN Jeffco newsletter is available online. Jump over to our Library and see what’s new, or download from the embedded reader below.

1 Dec 2020 1-12 final


Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Follow us on Twitter: @MannersMountain and @PLANJeffco

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PLANjeffco


Peaks to Plains Trail Gateway Takes Shape

Can you recognize where you are? Look through the framing, do you recognize Castle Rock on South Table Open Space Park?

Construction on the Peaks to Plains Trail continues. This location is called the “Gateway Segment”, it’s just west of Golden. Eventually, you will be able to walk from the Library, the History Museum, or even the Golden Visitors Center, head west along the Clear Creek Trail, cross highway 93, and you’ll be on this portion of the Peaks to Plains Trail, inside the Clear Creek Canyon Open Space Park. The portions that are already open are stunning; we anticipate that this segment will be no less so.

Take 5 minutes and enjoy Scott Grossman as he describes the construction that’s happening at the Gateway Segment.

Miss Mountain Manners reminds you to stay safe during this time of COVID, and even when you’re in the Open Space Parks remember to wear your mask and stay 6 feet away from those who are not in your personal “bubble”. Follow Miss Mountain Manners at @MannersMountain

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Share the Trail COVID Campaign Off To A Good Start – Shaun Howard

Last year, Jeffco Open Space Parks received approximately 7 million visitors. This year, with the pandemic, we have seen a drastic increase in people finding much-needed stress relief while enjoying our parks. For several years, Rangers and Volunteers have collaborated to host dozens of Share the Trails pop-up events. What’s a pop-up you ask? A pop-up is a focused low-key event where volunteers and staff talk with visitors at the trailheads regarding various pertinent park issues. For example, if a park has an increase in dogs off leash, rangers and volunteers will staff a Love Em’ Leash Em’ table and talk to visitors about dog safety messages (i.e. leashing, picking up waste, providing for dog safety in hot weather, etc). Over the years, pop-ups topics have covered living with wildlife (rattlesnakes, bears, lions, coyotes, etc), share the trails, dog safety and education regarding park management changes. The goal is to educate visitors BEFORE they enter the park and BEFORE they make a mistake. Feedback from visitors has been extremely positive. They seem to really appreciate the one-on-one contact with representatives of Jeffco Open Space.


As I write this article in mid-November, rangers have already responded to more than 1000 calls for service. Some of these calls have been responding to visitor courtesy complaints on North Table Mountain. While rangers routinely patrol the park, a few of our volunteer equestrian Park Patrollers recognized our stretched staff resources and approached me to request they would like to help out by hosting several Share the Trails events at North Table Mountain. These pop-ups generated 550 conversations with our park visitors. Volunteer Frank Blaha, said “often all of us were fully engaged” in conversations with several visitors. He goes on to say, “many people seemed appreciative of us being out, and a few commented it is good to know Rangers and Volunteer Patrollers were working to keep Jeffco Open Space in good shape.” Special thanks go out to Volunteer Patrollers who were instrumental in moving this series of pop-ups along: Dan B., Frank B., Jack M., Jan K., Lydia M. and Sylvan R. Thanks also go out to the many volunteers who dropped by and who spent over 725 hours in 2020 routinely patrolling North Table Mountain Park. I am privileged to work with such an amazing group of volunteers. Jeffco Open Space truly appreciates all they do to support the Jeffco Open Space mission in caring for our parks!







Shaun Howard, Ranger Lead
Jeffco Open Space

Miss Mountain Manners extends great thanks to Shaun Howard, JCOS Ranger, for sharing the story about these pop-up events. Communication, cooperation…if everyone tried a little harder, imagine what a great world this could be!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco



Female park ranger cartoon


It ain’t over til it’s over. And it is definitely not over yet. Jefferson County has seen increased COVID-19 cases and is at risk of tighter restrictions.  Jefferson County Public Health is calling on residents to stay strong and focused on preventing the spread of this virus. With rising infection rates, clearly many people are not following the rules. Will you??

Miss Manners, remembering earlier times and common fence-post signs for “Burma Shave,” invites you to play the following game and even create your own sign jingles. Match the sign posts with the proper guideline for your Jefferson County Open Space experiences.

1. Meet someone?

Don’t frown

Slow down


a. COVID-19 primarily spreads person to person to person. Because you can become infected from respiratory droplets when a nearby infected person breathes heavily, coughs, sneezes or talks, maintain a minimum six-foot distance. This will also help prevent them from being infected by you.
2. Be first rate



b. Keep one ear-bud out. Enjoy the sounds of nature and let others do the same.
3. Be a knight

Keep right


c. As you approach other trail users (particularly from behind), announce your presence in a timely manner, and loud enough for them to hear. Give them time to find a safe place where they can be socially distanced from you.
4. Be safe

For instance

Keep your distance


d. The leash is safer for your dog, the environment, and other park visitors who may be afraid of dogs. Your dog is YOUR friend, but not necessarily another park visitor’s friend and certainly not park wildlife’s friend.
5. You don’t know

What you’re missin’

Unless you listen


e. Cyclists: Pedestrians and equestrians have the right-of-way. Slow down and stop if necessary.
6. Place no bets

Leash your pets


f. Respect public lands and waters. Take ALL of your garbage – including pet wastes – with you. Remember: There is no POOP fairy.
7. Preserve this place

Leave no trace

Take it to the base


g. The rules of the road apply. Keep to your right.
8. Heed the call

Keep your group small


h. Common courtesy will make things more pleasant for all those participating.
9. It’s your task

Wear a mask


i. You will have less impact on the parks and other users. It will be easier to maintain social distancing guidelines. Do not take up the whole width of the trail; allow others to pass safely with a minimum of 6-foot distancing.
10. Treat other trail users with respect

No matter how they are decked


j. This will lessen the impact on the environment with less driving.
11. Don’t pull the rug

Walk through the mud

Over hill and dale

Stay on the trail


k. Going off trail to shortcut a switchback or to avoid mud, widens the trail and is bad for trail sustainability.
12. Horses first

And then the hikers

Yielding to all should be the bikers


l. Be prepared to cover your nose and mouth when meeting others. Social distancing is required, particularly when passing other visitors on the trail who are not being considerate by wearing a face covering.
13. Follow your nose

Stay close to home



Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Open Space Update 11/06/2020

Clear Creek Canyon Park – Gateway Segment

Clear Creek Canyon Park gateway segment.


The south side trail in Clear Creek Park is starting to take shape!  We’ve been able to take advantage of the warm weather and pour approximately 1,600 linear feet of the trail.  This section connects into the new bridge, has great curves to it and will award visitors with fantastic views.





Mount Falcon – Morrison Trailhead Expansion


The temporary expansion lot at Mount Falcon East is coming along nicely.  Road & Bridge was moving dirt at the end of October and is at finished grade.  Construction is progressing on the expanded parking area.  The asphalt millings, drainage features, and revegetation will be completed by the end of this week.  Parking lot striping is scheduled for Sunday and the new lot is scheuled to open to the public early next week.  Visitors have already been showing excitement for this temporary parking expansion and we are working hard to get it open next week.  Thanks to everyone who had a part in this great achievement!




Clear Creek Canyon Park – Restroom Construction


Construction on the two restrooms continues to make great progress.  The electrical in Tunnel 1 restroom is being installed while the Gateway restroom roof rafters and sheathing is going up.






Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco