Trails Talk (December 2015)

by John Litz

The Fall Trails Talk was held November 10 at the Buchanan Recreation Center in Bergen Park.

Unfortunately the attendance was poor with more staff there than public.

Tom Hoby opened with a quick review of accomplishments over the summer (mainly completing the repair of the flood damage with the help of many volunteers.) He also discussed the climbing management guidelines, the revised activity permits, and the results of surveys where designated trail use was evaluated. In this case, the trails were designated for all users uphill with a separate downhill trail for cyclists. The results are still being evaluated as to whether it would be appropriate when designing trails on new parks.

After a few questions from the audience, those in attendance were able to talk with staff at various table stations that included:

Climbing management guidelines

Completed flood recovery work

Designated use trails survey

Revised activity permits

Revised activity permits

Trail volunteer projects

Safe winter outdoor experiences

Your trail experience

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