
Ann Tristani, InPleinSight 2016


Changing Colors by Ann Tristani

InPleinSight script

Ann Tristani, Edgewater Colorado



Mountain Drama by Ann Tristani


After a lifetime in Minnesota, Ann Tristani moved to Colorado in 2014 with her husband Mark to pursue painting full-time.

Becoming an oil painter is Ann’s response to a lifetime of appreciating the wonder of creation. She is inspired by the way the light falls on a subject and hopes to draw viewers to ponder a moment of beauty they might not otherwise have recognized.


Mountain Glory by Ann Tristani

Ann is captivated by the values, colors, shapes, and edges of a landscape or an object and she continually strives to capture the intangible effects of light, air, and distance in her expressive, impressionistic paintings. Originally self-taught, Ann has made it a priority over the last decade to study with, paint with and learn from many of the greatest Master Artists of our time.

For more information, visit