Study Session:

Joy Lucisano presented an update on the real estate (primarily acquisition) projects. So far in 2013, 11 projects had been completed, three of which added a few acres for trail corridors and the Apex trailhead. Three projects anticipated for completion in early 2014 will add more than 800 acres to the Open Space inventory. There are 54 other projects in progress; a number are easements or leases, and others have various challenges impacting the ability to move forward quickly.

The Master Plan draft and the comments received from the public were discussed at some length. The consensus was that the goals of the Plan and the strategies to achieve them needed to be strengthened. A sub-committee was appointed to work with staff on revisions.

Stanton La Breche made a short presentation on the impact of the September rains/floods on various parks.

Regular Meeting: Cancelled

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