Study Session:

Mike Morin reviewed the Trails Co-op program activities over the past year and possible future activities for the Co-op.

Amy Ito presented an update on the Business and Use Plan for the Baehrden lodge in Pine Valley Park. The intent is to continue renovation of the main floor and exterior such that it can be open seasonally for tours and small events. Staff and OSAC will confer before any additional restoration will be done.

Regular Meeting:

The sub-committee reported on their progress on the Master Plan and discussed the areas which were being emphasized.

Amy Ito presented the options that were available to simplify the present real estate acquisition process and outlined the areas of the County Administrative Policy for Open Space that would require amendment. The intent of the simplification is to allow staff to discuss potential costs with the land owner prior to approval to proceed from OSAC. This change does not alter any of the acquisition criteria, it just allows staff to move quickly if circumstances require it, i.e. a property in a foreclosure auction.

The current OSAC officers were reelected: Wayne Forman, Chair; Jan Wilkins and Ken Morfit, Vice Chairs; John Litz, Secretary, and Kevin Burke, Secretary Pro-Tem.

Stanton La Breche gave an update on the Flood recovery efforts in Open Space Parks.

Tom Hoby presented a proposal for reconfiguring the Ponderosa (OSAC Hearing) to make it more suitable for the other meetings and events that use the room.