Public meeting on Douglas Mountain Proposed Acquisition: Location: 964 acres in five parcels located between Golden Gate Canyon Road and Robinson Hill Road, including the summit of Douglas Mountain in Jefferson County, CO. Properties border the Mount Tom Potential Conservation Area identified by the Colorado Natural Heritage Program.

Properties in this area were considered for conservation by Jeffco Open Space. In 2004, staff negotiated terms with the landowners and presented the project to the Advisory Committee on March 3, 2005. Public testimony focusing on traffic problems led OSAC to table the proposal indefinitely, Note that Centennial Cone Park had not yet opened.

The properties have good natural resource values and the steepness of the slopes will limit the amount of development and the number of users at any one time.

Negative public comments focused on potential traffic, increased fire danger, and the effect on water quality; whereas the positive comments focused on preservation of the property, which is the desire of the present owners.