Special Meeting:

A number of the OSAC members and public had expressed concern that the new “Parks” oriented website was making Open Space secondary. One of the difficulties was finding the Open Space pages when using a search engine. The meeting essentially was a discussion on how Open Space should relate to the other Divisions in the Parks Department and how to structure the website so that one could easily find the Open Space pages. One outcome was to refer to the Division as Jeffco Open Space and the Department as Jeffco Open Space and Parks. These would avoid conflict with references to other Jefferson Counties in the nation.

In addition the PLAN Jeffco board and OSAC members felt that acquisition was losing priority within Open Space, and that OSAC also was having less opportunity for input to the program. The PLAN Jeffco Board had expressed their concern in a July letter to Director Hoby. There was significant discussion relative to these points, and Director Hoby maintained that this not intentional and in the future more care would be taken to avoid this impression.

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