Study Session: Amy Ito, Manager of Park Planning & Construction, reviewed the phases in the present acquisition proposal process. The three phases are: 1) Evaluation, 2) Authorization, and 3) Final Terms/Transaction. The Evaluation phase includes review of the submittal and contact with the owner, staff field trip and analysis of the property, and development of a staff recommendation. The Authorization phase may include a staff and/or OSAC decision to forego, authorization by OSAC to proceed with due diligence and negotiations followed by presenting final terms to OSAC for approval. Note that in certain circumstances final terms may be approved as part of this authorization step, and in many cases the property is within an area already approved for negotiation, such that staff can proceed directly to developing the final terms. The Final Terms/Transaction Phase includes finalization of all documentation, approval by the Board of County Commissioners, and completion of the transaction.

Discussion followed as to what improvements could be made and were there ways to speed up the process; especially in the case where an appropriate property might be in foreclosure.

Regular Meeting: After approval of the February 7 minutes, two outgoing OSAC members, Jim Lancy and Frank Barone, were acknowledged for their six years each of service on OSAC. John Litz then was honored for having completed 20 years of service on OSAC and his many other volunteer activities for Open Space. As part of this honor, a new award was created, The John Litz Award. This award will be the top honor bestowed on a volunteer and will be awarded annually to an individual who demonstrates outstanding commitment and service to Jefferson County Open Space in a way that enhances our Parks, natural resources, and life-enriching experiences afforded to Park visitors.

After a short break for refreshments, the meeting reconvened with Public Comments. Cara Snyder discussed what she observed relating to the level of and opportunity for public comment relative to the Crown Hill enhancements. David Thomas discussed the potential to allow falconry in one or more Open Space parks.

Amy Ito reviewed the process being used to develop the first Jefferson County Parks Plan that will include the Boettcher Mansion, CSU Extension, the Fairgrounds, and Open Space. The purpose of the plan is to set the direction for establishing standards and best practices for services, management, and programs, and to lead, share, and create opportunities for life-enriching experiences.

Goals within the plan will include:

Create our Future – health, children, community need

Learn Continuously – study, collaborate, research

Share our Story – communicate, engage, dialogue, programs

Preserve our Place – resource management, conservation

Partner Purposefully – grants, resources, ideas

Manage Responsibly – fiduciary, natural resources

The initial steps for public input will be during May; including:

5/16/13 Fairgrounds, 12-1:30

5/21/13 Coal Creek Canyon Community Center, 6-7:30

5/22/13 Ken Caryl, 12-1:30

5/28/13 Boettcher Mansion, 6-7:30

5/29/13 Conifer, 6-7:30

Completion of the Parks Plan is targeted for October.

In his Director’s Report, Tom Hoby, acknowledged the public involvement process relative to the Apex Trailhead – see article in this newsletter, made a quick review of the April 30, Crown Hill Community Meeting, acknowledged an award from the Society of Outdoor Recreation Planners for the recently upgraded Elk Meadow Dog Off Leash Area, and relayed that both Clear Creek County and Jeffco unanimously selected the team of Concrete Express and Muller Engineering for the design build of the segment of the Peaks to Plains Trail to be constructed straddling the Clear Creek County line.