Study Session:

Erika Jerme, Jeffco Community Health Improvement Planner with Jeffco Public Health, reviewed the “2014-2017 Jefferson County Community Health Improvement Plan” (CHIP). The plan focuses on increasing access to healthy food and physical activity in Jefferson County.

Tom Hoby reviewed the comments on the Master Plan from the “Development Group” and the alternative wording developed by staff and the OSAC Master Plan sub-committee. The Committee consensus was to totally reject the “Development Group’s” desired language and to include the language that had been developed by staff and the sub-committee.

Regular Meeting:

After approval of the January 2014 minutes, the Committee adopted resolutions thanking Jan Wilkins and Kevin Burke for their years of service on OSAC. This was followed by a short reception with cupcakes, lemonade, and conversation.

After reconvening, Ron Hopp, Executive Director of Foothills Park and Recreation District presented their Master Plan for upgrading Clement Park. Foothills is looking at a multi-year plan with initially making improvements around Johnson Lake and the stage area.

Joy Lucisano presented an update on the acquisition program. She individually reviewed the status of a majority of the projects that still are active, i.e. there have been recent contact with the landowner. The program has almost 100 projects that are active or inactive.

The 2014 Master Plan, as had been discussed in the study session, was presented for recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. The motion for recommendation was approved unanimously.

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