Study Session: Study Session was cancelled so that the Advisory Committee could have a retreat at the Prospect Park District’s Arbor House.

The retreat began with a presentation by Amy Ito of the vision, mission, goals, and strategies for a Unified Master Plan including Open Space, the Fairgrounds, CSU Extension, and Boettcher Mansion. There was some discussion among the OSAC to the fact that the roles all were different and it would be hard to not minimize the focus on Open Space.

Scott Grossman updated OSAC on the progress towards submitting application for accreditation by CAPRA. At present Golden is the only entity in Colorado that is accredited.

Tom Hoby presented guidelines for public presentations that were used by other agencies. The discussion that followed indicated that the OSAC consensus was that formal guidelines were not necessary.

John Wolforth presented on how the Planning Department and Commission were taking good advantage of using iPads and email for circulating information.

There was a follow up discussion on the potential to shorten the real estate approval process presented at the May OSAC meeting.

Don Klima presented the preliminary, draft budget for 2014.

Regular Meeting:

1. Call Meeting to Order 
At approximately 7PM.

2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum 
Quorum present: Jan Wilkins (chair), John Litz, Ken Morfit, Janet Shangrew, Bob West, Rebecca Watson, Mike Dungan, Kevin Burke, Tookie Nemchak, Felicity Hannay. Nearly a full house – and everyone seemed in a good mood – must have been a meaningful retreat that happened earlier in the day (refer to Paul’s report, issued a few days ago). 
Also in attendance were Tom Hoby (JCOS Director),Rosanna Janzer (recorder), Steve Snyder (legal counsel), Thea Rock, Amy Ito, and Joy Lusisano.

3. Approval of Minutes 
Done, seconded.

4. Additions to Agenda & Determination of Sequence 
Determined that Action Items-New Resolutions would be heard ahead of Information Items because there were some folks present who wanted to speak to various New Resolution items.

5. General Public Comments 

6. Information Items

a) Apex Park Update, Scot Grossman

The Apex Park Trailhead redevelopment project will start in June and will take approximately 6 months to complete.

7. Action Items 
New Resolutions

b) Wheat Ridge Greenbelt – Open Space Reverter OS13-01, Resolution #13-11, Presented by Joy Lucisano

The City of Wheat Ridge has requested the release on approximately 880 square feet of land (for above-ground use) and subordination on approximately 0.42 acres of land (for below-ground use) of the Open Space Reverter in order to facilitate the construction of storm water facilities that will serve a proposed development south of the Wheat Ridge greenbelt. The Reverter Release will allow for the permanent placement of above-ground storm water improvements and the Reverter Subordination will allow for the permanent placement of below-ground storm water improvements and the construction of all storm water improvements within the properties.

JCOS Staff recommended granting the City of Wheat Ridge their request to subordinate the Open Space reverter.

P.S. the map provided with the packet is labeled incorrectly. On the packet map, the area labeled Prospect Park is actually Tabor Lake.

And here’s what was neat: Steve Snyder explained that the Reverter Release was necessary because the land won’t be used for Open Space activities. Under the Reverter clause, if the land isn’t used for Open Space reasons, it would revert back to JCOS. Similar reasoning for the Subordination; the property surface is still available for everyday Open Space use (walking, etc.), but below-ground there will be pipes and stuff that might occasionally require maintenance, and that would entail digging, with temporary surface disturbance. And so, that’s why this resolution was heard tonight. Everyone on OSAC seemed to agree. John moved to adopt; Tookie seconded; passed unanimously.

c) Crown Hill Park – Public Service Company Easement OS13-09, Resolution #13-12, Presented by Joy Lucisano

Public Service Company of Colorado has requested a utility easement on approximately 1,150 square feet (0.03 acre) in the northwestern corner of Crown Hill Park for the installation of buried electrical service.

8. Director’s Report 
Too fast to follow…

9. Legal Counsel Report 

10. Executive Session, Black Bear Trail Section 24-6-402(4)(a) concerning the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of Property Section 24-6-402(4)(e) concerning Negotiations 
Note: executive sessions are not open to the public.

11. Open Space Advisory Committee Comments 
Tookie gave an iPAD project report.

12. Adjournment 
At approximately 8:50 PM

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