Study Session: The Study session was a review of the grants to cities, districts, and nonprofits. The Guidelines for cities are a 75% match with up to an additional 25% for extenuating conditions. For districts the match is 65% with up to an additional 15% for extenuating conditions. For non-profits the match is as little as 25%. Staff had gone through all of the requests and had suggested grant amounts for each. Three of the grants were increased to above the staff recommendations.

Regular Session: started with public comment from a Wheat Ridge resident wondering what was going on at Crown Hill and why did she and her friends not know about the proposed changes At the moment all that has happened is the repair and re-routing of some of the concrete trails. The rerouting is to make more environmentally sensitive trails. Work on the restroom, play area, shelter, and exercise equipment has not started yet. Amy Ito provided her with contact info and took her email to get her information directly. This situation is typical when folks do not take advantage of the information supplied by Open Space, including the public hearings, postings in the park, and an open house for input on proposed changes – so stay apprised of the activities and changes in and around your favorite Open Space parks.

The grants to cities, districts, and non-profits were approved as discussed during the study session. They include outdoor expansion of the Majestic View Nature Center, improvements to Walker-Branch Park (shared by Lakewood and Edgewater), development of a park at 44th and Kendall, a splash pad at KenCaryl Ranch, 8 pickleball courts at 82nd and Simms, updating playgrounds for Foothills, two tennis courts for Maplegrove Park, improvements to Wulf Park (adjacent to Evergreen High), and additional stabilization of the dinosaur tracks. Approval was given to acquiring about 7,000 feet of the Welch Ditch from the head gate West of Tunnel 1 to where it goes under 6th Avenue. This includes portions that are earthen ditch, concrete ditch, and wooden flume. This will be a no cost acquisition.

Approval of a license from CDOT to build the beginning of the trail from Matthews-Winters to the I-70 exit (an existing trail continues under I-70 to the upper parking lot) and across County 93 up to the Hogback mostly along the present unimproved trail. Again there is no cost to the license. It covers about 350 feet of trail easement.

Tom Hoby mentioned that the first offer to Gilpin Ranch LLC had been turned down. Note that the go-forth resolution for this property passed by one vote and had a maximum amount to be offered. For the moment, Open Space will just be patient JCOS has decided to delay a year for their National Recreation and Park Association certification application. The required visits, etc. would conflict with the gala and other activities. JCOS goal is to meet all 144 criteria that are in the certification requirements.

Approved the annual requirement for posting the OSAC meeting notices – notifications are posted outside Meeting Room 1 at the Taj, in the JCOS entry at the Open Space building, and on the web at

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