Open Space Advisory Committee Retreat:

Hugh Wilson reviewed the five-year budget projections for 2015-2019. The budget assumes a 3% increase in revenue in 2015 and 2016 and 2% thereafter. Unless growth is greater than these amounts, the funds available for acquisition and capital projects will be limited. Note that through July, the sales tax revenue had increased 8.8% over 2104. Things improve significantly in 2020, when the annual bond payments are reduced by about $8 million.

Amy Ito discussed that JCOS was going to change the Land Management Classifications – will be reducing the number to two, Parkland (open access) and Reserve (minimum access).

Hugh and Amy led a brief discussion on acquisitions (focus on contiguity, on setting priorities – consensus was not determined), parks (set urban park hours at 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.) trails (looking at more options to separate users, expand trail heads, connectivity focus), history education (focus of Jeffco and property histories), local grants (possibly adjust the criteria; Note the criteria were not changed).

Reviewed the expense allocation for the next five years. The OSAC consensus was acquisitions first, maintenance and administration second, trails third.