Study Session:

The Study Session was cancelled. The Committee made a field trip to the Indigena property that primarily is an inholding within Coal Creek Canyon Park.

Regular Meeting:

Amy Ito reported on potential Real Estate Acquisition Strategies. The staff recommended the following:

Work with PLAN Jeffco on the Conservation Café agenda and partners, which will be held November 20, 2014, with a focus on the Land Preservation goal of the 2014 – 2019 Master Plan.

Continue to provide quarterly real estate updates to the Advisory Committee.

Thea Rock presented an overview of the Communications & Community Involvement Plan. The plan is detailed elsewhere in this newsletter. While many of the processes and strategies have been part of JCOS’ regular communication efforts, this plan documents the strategies, resources, options and preparation process for developing and delivering communication and garnering community involvement. After many positive comments, the Advisory Committee accepted the plan.

The Advisory Committee accepted the 2015 Open Space Budget Recommendation. The Commissioners will determine the actual budget during their November review of all County budgets.

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