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At the beginning of each year the Open Space staff prepares a list of projects to be addressed during the year. These projects are in addition to the normal daily routines and potential acquisition projects. This year there are 97 projects listed, with 55 to be completed by the end of the year. Following is a list of the major projects anticipated to be completed by the end of 2015.


Develop standardized elements for trailhead design

Implement new designs for trail switchbacks

Develop and implement a trail rating system

Prepare 8 regional maps – similar to the existing Bear Creek Regional Map

Continue enhancing the website

Develop system-wide sign standards

Open Space Building

Major rehabilitation of building parking areas

Apex Park

Realign Pick N Sledge and Poco Calle trails

Complete the reconstruction of the East Trailhead

Clear Creek Canyon Park

Complete the design of the two sections of the Peaks to Plains Trail East of Mayhem Gulch

Complete design of a trail section utilizing the Welch Ditch flume at the mouth of Clear Creek

Complete construction of the first two sections of the Peaks to Plains Trail – County line to Mayhem Gulch

Crown Hill Park

Replace signs to match present sign standards

Remove and replace restroom, new kiosk, and trail realignment

Deer Creek Region

Establish Conservation Network for this County area

Deer Creek/Hildebrand Parks

Develop design for trail connecting Deer Creek and Hildebrand Parks through Lockheed Martin easement

Elk Meadow

Additional trailhead design

Determine how to resolve the groundwater problem impacting the Pioneer Trail

Construct a loop trail within the North area

Hildebrand Ranch Park

Maintenance on permeable pavers in parking lot

Repair of Old Time Ditch

Hiwan Homestead Museum

Repair all roofs

Lair o the Bear Park

Replacement of Dipper Bridge

Matthews Winters Park

Develop a new trailhead design

Complete restroom upgrades

Complete trail connection to I-70 right-of-way

Mt. Falcon

Redesign of the West Trailhead

Relocate West Trailhead restroom

North Table Mountain Park

Realignment of Mesa Top Trail

Complete modifications to the West Trailhead parking – fewer horse trailer spaces

Implement prairie dog management on colony below the West Slope of North Table

Reconstruct trail from Perry Trailhead to the climbing area

Pine Valley

Weatherproofing the exterior of the Baehrden Lodge

South Table Mountain

Review park plans and complete design plans for Quaker Street access

Improve some of the trail surfaces with aggregate

South Valley

Repair asphalt trail by chip sealing

White Ranch

Realignment and repair of Mustang Trail

Realignment and repair of Rawhide Trail

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