This is the 1998 Board of County Commissioners Resolution CC98-665 that amended, among other provisions, the Priorities that had been in the Open Space Policies since adoption of the Policies and Procedures Resolution CC87-882 of 1987.

“The purpose of the Jefferson County Open Space Advisory Committee (the Committee”) is to make recommendations to the County regarding selection, development, maintenance, preservation and use of open space land in accordance with the responsibilities of the Advisory Committee as set forth in Board of County Commissioner’s Resolution No. CC86-1 10, through the Jefferson County Open Space Program, and to establish priorities therefore. The Committee may, by separate and additional resolution, recommend to the Board of County Commissioners such rules and tegulations as may be required to implement the Jefferson County Open Space Program in the best interest and preservation of the public peace, health, safety, morals, and welfare of the citizens of Jefferson County. 
