From: Thea Rock, JCOS Communications Manager, tr***@je****.us:

Friday, October 03, 2014

Trail Completed from Reynolds Park to South Platte

North Fork Trail Ready for Hiking, Mountain Biking and Horseback Riding

Beginning Saturday, October 11, 2014 outdoor enthusiasts will be able to challenge themselves and enjoy a new 9.3-mile trail from Reynolds Park to the South Platte in Jefferson County.

The North Fork Trail provides a regional connection from Jeffco Open Space to the abundant recreation opportunities of the Pike National Forest. …

In 2004, Reynolds Park was designated for equestrian and hiking opportunities to maintain the Park’s relative serenity, current visitation and intact natural values.  With the designation, a commitment to construct a multiuse trail to the south was leveraged….

Learn more about Reynolds Park and the North Fork Trail by visiting the website or view the updated Park map here.

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