Letter to Governor Hickenlooper Regarding SB13-258

May 3, 2013

Re: SB 13-258

Dear Governor Hickenlooper,

PLAN Jeffco requests that you veto SB13-258. We are the group that initiated the Jefferson County Open Space Program in 1972 and worked on the Party for the Parks celebration that you recently attended.

We oppose SB13-258, which is the proposed amendment that would result in developers no longer being required to demonstrate that they have adequate water for their entire project prior to initial approval of their development proposal. This new legislation is to assist Sterling Ranch obtain approval for its proposed large rezoning because it had not demonstrated an adequate water supply at the time of rezoning. A Colorado District court judge ruled that because of this lack of compliance with existing law, the rezoning request for Sterling Ranch cannot be approved. Although this amendment was generated because of the Sterling Ranch decision in Arapahoe County, the amendment will have serious ramifications throughout the state and seriously weaken existing state law.

We have much open land in Jefferson County that this would apply to and we believe the final results of this proposal may be boon to many developers but will lead to serious problems for future land owners and all of the citizens of Jefferson County and the State of Colorado. The tax payers of the State of Colorado, 99% of whom are individual citizens, will end up footing the bill for foolish and ill-thought-out development projects, which will be allowed if this bill is signed into law.

We all know that we live in an area with scarce water resources and allowing a development to proceed piecemeal before there is a secure supply of water is something PLAN Jeffco opposes. Therefore, we ask that you veto this bill.


Margot Zallen, Chairperson, Plan Jeffco 

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