Beaver Ranch new park manager

Open Space Update – May 2022

Spring has sprung – finally! It’s been a delicious mixture of warm, dry spring days and a retreat back into wintery weather, but neither rain nor snow nor dead of night (?) will stop our courageous Open Space Teams.  It’s been a busy couple of months, so let’s see what they’ve been up to…

Beaver Ranch Park Welcomes New, Full-time Park Manager

Beaver Ranch new park managerBeaver Ranch has a full-time Park Manager! Ted Greene is his name, and he will be in residence as he helps to oversee the improvements to the Park and raise awareness about the park and its amenities. The Beaver Ranch Board and JCOS both agreed that Ted is an ideal person to help fulfill the mission of Beaver Ranch

Read more

Redtail Hawk

Open Space Update – March 2022

What has Jeffco Open Space been up to since we saw them last?

2022 Seasonal Wildlife Closures In Effect As Of February 1

Redtail HawkEach year Jeffco Open Space uses seasonal wildlife closures at the parks to protect species at sensitive times in their life cycles. This year’s seasonal wildlife closures affect numerous Jeffco Open Space parks and trails. Protect the wildlife you love. Respect seasonal wildlife closures. Parks affected, either in whole or in part: Centennial Cone, Clear Creek Canyon, Deer Creek Canyon, North Table Mountain, South Table Mountain, Cathedral Spires, and Crown Hill. For a full list of affected parks/trails and additional details, please read the JCOS News Flash.  For additional details, check out this video.    Photo by JCOS Volunteer Steve Holmes


Snow Removal On the Trails – It’s a Big Deal!

Snow removal off the Tough Cuss bridgeRanger Justin caught snow removal off the Tough Cuss Bridge in Clear Creek Canyon Park on Groundhog’s Day. Multiple storms in February each brought 4 to 10 inches of the heavy white stuff to the Parks, necessitating trail-clearing so that everyone could enjoy the fine weather in the following days.


Centennial Cone Hunting Season Wraps Up

Centennial Cone at SunsetThe deer and elk hunting late season hunting has wrapped up at Centennial Cone. During the 2021-2022 Hunt, a total of 120 hunters signed in; roughly half of the hunters had a companion with them. Total animals harvested were eight deer, mostly near the western trailhead or southwest of Evening Sun Loop. No elk were taken. JCOS receives Chronic Wasting Disease test results from the hunt, which help determine the health of the animals in the park. By the end of February, only one mature buck had tested positive.


Dakota Ridge Trail Rebuild

Dakota Ridge trail rebuild Feb'22Mountain bikers take note: the Open Space Trails Team rebuilt an approved alternate line on Dakota Ridge in February. The alt line had been requested by COMBA years ago, and it worked really well once built. But since then, some of the large boulders had fractured and shifted. The Jefferson County Geologist inspected the area and recommended that major boulders be removed, thus closing the line. The alt line has been closed for quite some time now, but after a lot of heavy-lifting and rock-moving, the line is safe once more and open again.


Meyer Ranch Forest Management

Meyer Ranch Forest ManagementMeyer Ranch visitors, be prepared for more forest management this year. Open Space will treat approximately 37 acres of ponderosa, aspen, mixed conifer, and lodgepole forest. This work will focus on healthy forest structure, aspen enhancement, and wildfire risk reduction. Work is scheduled for completion by the end of 2022 and will contribute to the Open Space Conservation Greenprint goal for improving forest health on 1,000 acres of JCOS lands by the year 2025. There’s a video you can check out for more details.


South Table Mountain Trail Maintenance

South Table trail work 2022-marchThe Trails Team will be performing restoration work on South Table Mountain Park, near Croc Tooth Trail, beginning March 14. Advisory signs have been installed, informing the public that work will begin soon to remove and restore a heavily used Unauthorized Trail (UT) on the northeast side of Basalt Cap Loop. This UT has been the topic of great debate over the years and the addition of Croc Tooth Trail makes it completely unnecessary now. The Trails Team will have a mini-excavator running from Basalt Cap Loop, down to Ancient Palms, for about a week and then seed and shrub plantings will begin.

Additionally, a contractor with Trails Team direction will be performing work on Lubahn Trail. The Lubahn Trail will be closed for construction Monday–Thursday starting approximately March 14 through June 1. Olivine Trail will be open for visitors to access the park. Scheduled maintenance will improve trail conditions, visitor safety, and resource protection on this 50-year-old trail.   Photos by Eric Fields.


Say No to Mud

Say No to MudIt’s the season — some call it Springtime in the Rockies, others call it Mud Season! As a result of the freezing and thawing,  our Open Space Parks and trails will continue to shut down and reopen, depending on the weather events. If you encounter mud, walk through not around. Walking around causes trail expansion, braiding, ruts, erosion, and vegetation loss. We don’t want to ruin our trails, now do we? And don’t forget to check Alerts and Closures, #KnowBeforeYouGo!


Adaptive Bike Program

Adaptive bikesJCOS staff recently met with their counterparts at City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) to learn about their adaptive bike share program, and how JCOS might be able to adopt a similar program. These adaptive bikes are class 2 e-mountain bikes that are pedaled by hand and available on loan to visitors experiencing disabilities.

Boulder OSMP currently has five adaptive bikes in their program and were able to provide over 150 visitors an opportunity to ride them in 2021. Visitors are always accompanied by a staff member and a volunteer on rides which vary from two to 20 miles, from easy to difficult terrain. The primary goal of the program is to show riders that their disability doesn’t have to stop them from accessing natural places inaccessible to traditional wheelchairs. The program also removes an economic barrier of riding an adaptive bike, which can be cost-prohibitive since only a handful of companies currently make them.


Dinosaur Ridge Signage Facelift

Dinosaur Ridge signage 2022Thanks to Open Space GIS, Sign, and Park Services Teams, Dinosaur Ridge has been getting a sign facelift. The above kiosk is the latest install at the Visitor Center, complete with Rules & Regs and their very own teal color name plates. Look for more wayfinding to be installed in the coming months.   Photo by Kelly Bowser


Heritage Stewardship at Hildebrand & Mount Glennon

Heritage Stewardship at Hildebrand & Mount Glennon_Erica DuvicJeffco Open Space has a Heritage Stewardship Team; they’ve been working over-winter to research and document some of the less well-known cultural resources, like the water control structures at Hildebrand Ranch and the Adkins Residence at Mount Glennon. Research and documentation are critical for understanding how a site may be historically significant, which helps guide planning for future use or removal. All documentation is given to the State Historic Preservation Office where it will be maintained in perpetuity.  Photos by Erica Duvic.


The Mysterious Mustard

Misidentified Mustard - unique bladderpod in Jeffco_Pam Smith CNHPIt’s a beauty, and it may be unique to Jefferson County! This summer the Open Space Natural Resources Team will collaborate with the Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP), Denver Botanic Gardens, and the University of Northern Colorado to understand if a mustard in the genus Physaria (bladderpod) is a distinct species only known to Jefferson County. This group of collaborators are seeking to answer a question that has been pondered by botanists for many years – are populations of a misidentified mustard in the genus Physaria an undescribed species? The primary objectives of this study are to: 1) Clarify the relationships among Physaria bellii (Front Range twinpod), Physaria vitulifera (fiddleleaf twinpod), and the mystery Physaria. Genetic sampling will be performed on all three species to understand relationships and to determine if the undescribed Physaria warrants recognition as a distinct species. Sampling will be completed in 2022 with results following in early 2023.  Photo by Pam Smith from CNHP .


Tall Thimbleweed at Meyer Ranch

Tall thimbleweed at Meyer RanchThe Botany and Forestry specialists of The Natural Resources Team have been working together to protect a rare plant population within an active forestry project at Meyer Ranch Park. The plant in question is called Tall Thimbleweed (Anemone virginiana); it’s a member of the buttercup family.

Tall Thimbleweed is widespread in the Eastern United States and Canada, but had not been recorded anywhere in Colorado prior to 2017. That’s when when Audrey Boag, a JCOS small grant recipient, discovered a few small patches in Deer Creek Park.

Thanks to her research, the Natural Resources team located a significant patch at Meyer Ranch Park in 2019. The area surrounding this patch has now been flagged off to ensure its protection from heavy forestry machinery that could disturb the plants and negatively impact their habitat.

This is a great example of multiple Open Space programs and groups collaborating to protect and preserve sensitive resources that we’re all so fortunate to serve as stewards of.  Photos by Audrey Boag & Jesse Wooten.


Rare Apple Tree at Centennial House

Apple tree at Centennial House_Erica Duvic, Jennee HancockAlong Golden Gate Road sits one of Jefferson County’s historic sites, Centennial House. Nearby stands an apple tree, a bit of a mystery. Fruit trees can help to tell the story of a place. They were sometimes planted by homesteaders in the west to prove they were cultivating the land as required under the Homestead Act of 1862.  In 2020, the Heritage Stewardship Team wondered what we could learn from this tree. Was it planted in the 1870s, when the house was built? Is it an heirloom variety? How can we learn more about the site from the tree and teach visitors about its history? They recently sent in a sample for DNA testing, and the results are interesting:

Clues and Fun Facts

  • The Natural Resources Team cored the tree. They estimate that it is about 50 years old. Hence, this tree was not planted in 1876, but it may be a descendant of one that was. There is a second apple tree on the property, as well as a stump near this one.
  • The tree is a Whitney Crab, one of few crab apples sweet enough to eat fresh from the branch. (A crab apple is simply an apple under 2” in diameter.)
  • The Whitney Crab is an heirloom variety that originated in Illinois in 1869, so former residents may have planted one on their homestead in the 1870s.
  • It is self-pollinating, so it does not need another apple tree nearby like some varieties do.
  • According to the University of Colorado, of all apple trees DNA tested in Boulder County in 2018, just 1% were Whitney Crab trees, making this variety relatively rare in the area.
  • In 2020, we sought a sample apple for DNA testing. Suddenly all the apples were gone. So, mysteries do remain, including: Who were those apple bandits?

Photos by Erica Duvic and Jennee Hancock


Save the Dates – It’s Time To Help Out In the Parks!

Volunteer DaysMark your calendars and get ready for the Open Space main volunteer projects of 2022. These are large group projects, so if you’re interested in participating, contact Matt Martinez,, for more information.

Earth Day – April 16 at Van Bibber Park 75 – 100 volunteers. Volunteers will help close undesignated trails and plant native species.

National Trails Day – June 4 at Elk Meadow Park – 100+ volunteers. Volunteers will be working on making Painters Pause, Founders, and Noble Meadows trails more accessible while also removing noxious weeds.

Summer Solstice – June 25 at Matthews/Winters Park – 75 volunteers. Volunteers will help restore the banks of the creek, perform light trail maintenance along Village Walk and Village Ride trails, and clean up the creek just off of Hwy 93.

Colorado Day – August 6 at Beaver Ranch Park – 25 volunteers. Volunteers will build a continuation of new trail in the northwest portion of the park.

National Public Lands Day – September 24 along Clear Creek – 500 volunteers. Multi-agency effort with JCOS hosting volunteers in Clear Creek Canyon Park along with The City of Golden and the City of Wheat Ridge hosting multiple project sites focusing on cleanup habitat restoration.


The seasons are turning. Based on the recent number of Parks/trails closed due to muddy conditions, we’re fast approaching Mud Season.  Miss Mountain Manners wants to remind all Park Visitors to recreate responsibly; when you encounter muddy trails, walk through the mud, not around. Even better, go back and find a dryer trail.

Know before you go, check for trail conditions and closures before heading out, and don’t forget to pack extra clothes for any type of weather. Carry water; at any time of year it’s easy to get dehydrated and disoriented at elevation.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say, “thank you”.

Subscribe, share, follow us at @PLANJeffco, @MannersMountain, — we appreciate your support!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


Boettcher Mansion pergola being disasembled by Open Space Park Construction Team.

Open Space Update – January 2022

It’s a new year,  with all manner of new adventures waiting for us at our Open Space Parks. Let’s see what JCOS has been up to over our mid-winter holidays…



Boettcher Mansion pergola being disasembled by Open Space Park Construction Team.

The loading dock at Boettcher Mansion underwent an infrastructure improvement during the month of December. The 14-year-old pergola was showing signs of wood rot in the overhead beams. Since it was a safety hazard, it had to be removed. The pergola was not an original part of the building, so the decision was made to remove rather than repair/rebuild. Instead of using outside contractors for this task, Boettcher Mansion partnered with the Open Space Park Construction Team and saved nearly $7,000 in cost, according to Jeffco Open Space & Parks. Photo by Boettcher Mansion Supervisor, Megan Kreutzer.



Cathedral Spires Park gets new rock work.

Cathedral Spires Park got a facelift, thanks to the Front Range climbing Stewards and the Boulder Climbing Community. Read more

Winter Is Here! – Shaun Howard

Nearly a year ago Shaun Howard, Jeffco Open Space Ranger lead, first wrote this post to help all the Open Space Park visitors understand a little more about how to enjoy winter activities in the Parks. It’s time to republish as a reminder, because our parks are “primitive” parks. Don’t expect the trails to be groomed for you. Be prepared for any type of weather, especially as you gain in elevation, and know before you go.

Temps have dropped and winter winds lick the landscape of the Jeffco Parks. Although the winter season has arrived, the parks are still great places to visit. Read on for essential winter safety tips.

Parking: Many believe winter is the “off” season in our parks. While visitor numbers may be less, on sunny winter days expect people to want to enjoy the outdoors. As with other seasons, if you find a full lot, be patient and wait for a legal parking spot, or better yet, look for less busy parks by downloading the mobile Lot Spot App Additionally, winter storms may make park roads and lots impassable. Read more

Open Space Update – December 2021

As 2021 winds to an end, it’s time to check in on Jeffco Open Space and see what they’ve been up to. This autumn has delivered exceptionally fine weather, and JCOS has been taking advantage of it…

Centennial Cone Park is closed for hunting 12/1-1/31

The late-season hunting access at Centennial Cone Park began December 1, closing the park to all other uses through the end of January. Mayhem Gulch parking lot along US Hwy 6 will remain open this year for access to the Peaks to Plains Trail and Clear Creek Canyon Park.

Hunting is allowed during a seasonal closure at Centennial Cone Park, and by permit only. The late season hunting access occurs December 1 through January 31 of each year. The Park is closed to all other use during this season. Permit applicants must hold a valid late season antler-less elk, female or either sex deer license issued by Colorado Parks and Wildlife for the Jefferson County portion of Game Management Unit 38. Private Land Only licenses are not valid at Centennial Cone Park. Colorado Parks and Wildlife provides a list of eligible hunters for this area to Jeffco Open Space. Jeffco Open Space will then notify these eligible hunters about applying for a Centennial Cone Park hunting access permit. Permits are not available to hunters that have not qualified through the appropriate licensing process.


Coal Creek Study Area Deer Hunt Ends

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) hosted guided youth and novice adult hunting in the Coal Creek Study Area over the past couple months. CPW Youth and Novice Adult Hunting Programs offer safe, educational, and ethical guided hunting with experienced CPW hunters. Read more

Rocky Mtn National Park overcrowding

The Secret Is Out! Park Overcrowding!

Miss Mountain Manners here. THE SECRET IS OUT. Everyone seems to know that the place to be is outside in our Open Space parks. How did that happen, and how do we deal with the fact that there are toooo many people out there: hikers, bikers, riders, runners – you name it. Can we live with each other? What about 50 years from now?? (The open space program will be 50 years young in 2022.) What are the alternatives???

Rocky Mtn National Park overcrowdingWe aren’t alone. The national parks are being overrun. National Park attendance has spiked since 2019 (327 million visitors) with usage of many parks doubling (2020 use was down due to COVID and park closures). Read more

LYFT logo

Rideshare Adds New Parks

JCOS’ pilot program shuttles visitors to and from the Open Space parks while avoiding the hassle of overcrowded trailhead parking has expanded!

Partnering with Lyft, new Parks have been added to the Rideshare Discount. Now hikers can ride to the following Park trailheads with reduced fare:

North Table Mountain Park – West Trailhead
White Ranch Park – East Trailhead
South Table Mountain Park – Camp George West Trailhead
South Table Mountain Park – Golden Hills Access
Mount Falcon Park – Morrison Trailhead
Van Bibber Park – East & West Trailheads
Matthews/Winters Park
Dino Ridge Visitor Center
Crown Hill Park

Through December 31, Lyft users can take advantage of a $2.50 reduction in their fare each direction by using code JCOS2021 in the “rewards” section of the Lyft app. Discounts will be valid during park hours, seven days a week, to the locations listed above.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say, “thank you”.

Subscribe, share, follow us at @PLANJeffco, @MannersMountain, — we appreciate your support!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


What the Poo, and Socks, Too?

Welch Ditch Bridge with fall colorsIsn’t this a gorgeous sight? Here we are at the Welch Ditch Bridge, the third and western-most of the three bridges that cross Clear Creek between the Gateway Segment Trailhead and the Tunnel One Trailhead.

Recently, Miss Mountain Manners was walking the Clear Creek Gateway Segment Trail, and what a beautiful experience that was. She was just past the Tough Cuss Bridge (the middle bridge), when she ran into this:

Miss Mountain Manners wants to thank the person who did 2/3 of “the right thing”. First, that person brought their own poo bag (poo bags provided at the Trailhead that day were bright orange). Next, that person bagged their puppy’s poo. But then Miss Mountain Manners got confused: why leave the poo bag on the trail? Why not carry it out?

I know what some of you are thinking — that person left the bag and was going to pick it up on the way back. Turns out, that was not the case — this trail is out and back again. Miss Mountain Manners decided to give this person the benefit of the doubt and walked all the way to trail’s end, but did not see anyone walking a dog. Sadly, this poo bag was left behind for the Poop Fairy to collect.

Miss Mountain Manners has news for this person: Read more

Open Space Update – September 2021

September, glorious September! September is Miss Mountain Manners’ favorite month, a time when the flaming hot of summer is on retreat while the Northern Hemisphere prepares itself for the long, quiet days and nights of the season of rest.

This transition hasn’t slowed down the Jeffco Open Space crews, however… look at what they’ve been doing this month!

The Apex Park Management Pilot is Over

Apex Park, Enchanted Forest Trail, showing one-way biking direction.

The pilot year for the new management plan at Apex Park is officially over, and it’s been an overall success. The management system will remain in place permanently, beginning September 10, 2021.

  • Even Calendar Dates (2nd, 4th, etc.) = Bikes only, no hikers or equestrians
  • Odd Calendar Dates (1st, 3rd, etc.) = Hikers and equestrians only, no bikes

For more information go to


Busy Beavers at Beaver Ranch Park

Beaver Ranch Park trail-building


The Open Space Trails Team has completed the cutting of Phase 2 at Beaver Ranch Park. They were able to connect into an existing trail (Screech Owl) that they are keeping just upstream of a bridge that crosses over Coyote Creek. The team is currently compacting the six turns and preforming the finish tread work needed on this section of trail. Kyle Newmyer, South Region Coordinator, also went out with Trails Team Specialists Chris Smith and Kaleb Anzick to walk and talk sign plans for the latest sections of finished trail. They hope to have this segment of trail completed by September 10. Once this work is done there will be four new miles of trail for folks to enjoy!


Trail Runner Volunteer Project at South Table Mountain Park

Trail runner volunteers at South Table Park

Nine volunteers were out for 2.5 hours on August 30 working on the drainage on Olivine trail, cleaning out rocks and sand from the grade dips and drains as they went. They also collected about 10 pounds of noxious weeds and general debris. A big rounds of thanks to this group for the community effort and strengthening the partnership with runners and neighbors like NREL (the National Renewable Energy Lab).  Photos courtesy of NREL.


North Table Curfew with Volunteers on Patrol

North Table by moonlightNorth Table Mountain Park in the autumn months is notorious for visitors recreating after curfew. Special thanks go out to two volunteer Park Patrollers, Barbara Decet and Sylvan Ruud, who will be helping the Ranger Team with curfew/full moon popups at the park. They were on duty in August and are scheduled for more during the busy coming months. Having these volunteers help in delivering the importance of following the curfew will have a huge impact on the safety of Park visitors and the health of North Table Mountain.  Photo by Anne Friant, illustrative editing by Photoshop.


White Ranch Trail Partnership

Trail partnerships in action at White Ranch Park


The Open Space Trails Team, Colorado Mountain Biking Association (COMBA), and other volunteers have been instrumental in the maintenance and reroute at Mustang Trail at White Ranch Park over the past few weeks. COMBA has also been volunteering to help keep Middle Longhorn Trail at White Ranch Park in good shape as well. Thanks to all the participation and input from members of the mountain biking community.


Burro Patrollers

Burro patrol on the job

The Park Ranger Team has worked to create the Burro Patrollers, a group of teens with adult leaders who volunteer for Jeffco Open Space. Burro Patrol conducts service-based projects and also assists at various trail courtesy popups. So far this year they have helped with trash pick-up, trimming emergency access routes, removal of trees over trails, and assisting the Natural Resources team in deployment of research traps. Be on the lookout for burros on your favorite trails.



Fall Stewardship Webinar Series

Thistle & mullein patch

Jeffco Invasive Species Management and CSU Extension (Boulder, Jeffco, and Larimer Counties) are hosting a four week speaker series from September 15 through October 6. Register here for talks that will educate and inform property owners about land stewardship for small acreages and the latest trends. The talks are geared for owners of 2-10+ acres but all are welcome.  Sessions will be held virtually from 6:00–7:30 pm.


Help Reduce Wildfire Danger with SLASH

SLASH collection site


Protect your home and community from wildfire by creating defensible space around your home to reduce the risk of total devastation by wildfire! Jeffco SLASH will be operational every weekend through the end of October, at various locations around the county, from 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Bring your tree debris to Jeffco SLASH on weekends during the months of September and October.


National Public Lands Day Brought Out JCOS Volunteers

National Public Cleanup Days at Clear Creek


Saturday, September 25th, was National Public Lands Day along Clear Creek Trail near the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. Jeffco Open Space Volunteers swarmed to help with trash cleanup, vegetation trimming, noxious weed removal, planting and seeding, beaver tree painting, gold panning mitigation, and graffiti removal in the Golden Cliffs climbing area. They ended the day with a celebration at Anderson Park, with free food and fun.  This event happens every year, so if you missed it this year, mark your calendars for next year’s event, Saturday, September 24, 2022!



Historic Building Visit

National Historic sites field trip

Architectural historians from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) came to see historic buildings at Hiwan, Pine Valley, Reynolds, Beaver Ranch, and Meyer Ranch Parks this month. The Midway/Meyer House and the Hiwan Museum are already listed in the National Register of Historic Places, while the Baehrden Lodge is listed in the State Register of Historic Properties. These designations can provide opportunities for grants and other incentives for preservation and education.





Reminder: the Jeffco Bike Plan

Jeffco bike plan

Jeffco Transportation and Engineering is in the process of updating the Bicycle Plan for the county, focusing on unincorporated Jeffco and linking to Open Space or other popular destinations. Please let them know what you think:   More info on the Jeffco Bike Plan Update


Reminder: Prepping for Snow Removal

Snow plows readying at Open Space

September is Snow Removal Preparedness Month. The Park Services, Rangers, and Trails Teams commit to keeping the Open Space trailheads, facilities, and paved trails accessible and safe during snowy weather, and what an amazing job the do! When it snows two inches or more, JCOS deploys eight plow routes with shovel teams to complete snow removal activities at 53 trailhead, trail, and bikeway locations. This consists of 2,810,880 square feet of surface covered by plowing and 92,731 square feet of surface covered by hand shoveling. This is comparable in size and scope to 10 of our Courts and Administration buildings (TAJ). Crown Hill Park alone makes up almost 1/10th of our total snow removal operations. Snow removal occurs seven days a week and often takes reaching out to additional field staff/teams for support during heavier snow events. To assist with this effort, field staff not typically assigned can receive training to help cover these events. Do your part, give these people a chance to remove the snow before heading out to the Parks, Know Before You Go,


Photo of the Month

Every summer the Natural Resources Team assists Colorado Parks & Wildlife with the bighorn sheep survey in Clear Creek Canyon Park. This year the sheep did not disappoint! The team saw a total of 20 individuals throughout the canyon, including a large group of rams near Tunnel 1 and a group of ewes and yearlings just north of the Big Easy Trailhead. This monitoring not only provides a seasonal estimation of individuals and important age group and sex ratios, but it’s also a great opportunity to help our state wildlife agency and be a partner in conservation. Photo by Natural Resource Specialist, Michelle Desrosiers.

Now that autumn is upon us, Miss Mountain Manners wants to remind all Park Visitors to recreate responsibly. Be prepared. At any time, snow can fly and the trails can get icy, especially at the higher elevations. Make sure you check for trail conditions and closures before heading out, and pack for any type of weather. Don’t forget water; it’s easy to get dehydrated and disoriented at elevation.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say, “thank you”.

Subscribe, share, follow us at @PLANJeffco, @MannersMountain, — we appreciate your support!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco


Open Space Update – August 2021

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new trail in town! Here’s the full story, plus an amazing list of other projects which are on-going or have been completed…what a busy summer!

Clear Creek Canyon Park- Gateway Segment Open

Finally! The Gateway Segment of the Clear Creek Canyon Trail, that you’ve been reading about and heard so much about for months now, is open! It opened on August 25, following a 4 P.M. “cable cutting” ceremony, which was held at the Gateway Trailhead.

This 1.75-mile trail connects with downtown Golden along Clear Creek via the Grant Terry Trail and continues west to Tunnel 1 alongside US 6. The two new trailheads – one at the entrance to the canyon and one east of Tunnel 1 – feature more than 170 parking spaces, permanent restrooms, and shade structures. The parking area at the Gateway Segment Trailhead has the added features of a bike repair station, a bike rack with metal frame crafted from the parts of cars retrieved from the canyon during construction, and a drinking fountain that includes a ground-level fountain for four-legged hiking companions.

This project also includes the first suspension bridge in Jefferson County. This pedestrian-only crossing of Clear Creek near Tunnel 1 connects hikers with the restored wooden flume of the Welch Ditch on the south wall of the Canyon. Water access is also improved with rock staircases along the trail. This Gateway Segment – part of the Peaks to Plains Trail – honors the area’s mining history with materials and treatments like stained concrete and bridge railings that are designed to help the trail blend in with the canyon.

Access this new segment by parking at the Gateway Trailhead located at 20050 US Highway 6, in Golden at the intersection of US 6/HWY 93/HWY 58.  The trail will be open from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset, with electronic gates at both parking facilities closing at those times to prohibit overnight parking.  With the opening of this new trail, park visitors are reminded to recreate responsibly.

Crown Hill Park Concrete Trail Replacement

Have you been to Crown Hill Park lately? JCOS is replacing big sections of the concrete trail on the south and west sides of the park. The cumulative effects of time, weather and traffic have taken a toll. Anticipate seeing trail detour signs and respect them. The affected trails will be closed for the duration of the work. Reconstruction is currently slated for September 20-27, but this may change, based on contractor availability and the weather. The project should take a full week to complete. No vehicle traffic will be allowed on the trails until October 18, to allow for some extra curing time.

White Ranch Park

The Trails Team & the Trails Stewardship Team, along with COMBA (Colorado Mountain Biking Association), are working on a small reroute of the Mustang Trail.  The reroute will replace the current section of Mustang Trail, which has deteriorating wooden ramps and parallels a drainage.  The new route will move the trail away from an adjacent riparian area, up onto the hill side. COMBA has also been volunteering to help keep the Middle Longhorn Trail in good shape, as it tends to develop erosional dips and swales from overuse. The Trails Team is targeting the opening of the rerouted Mustang Trail by the end of September.

Deer Creek Canyon Park

Scott Waters, Trail Services Team Lead, has a volunteer trail project every Tuesday & Thursday from April-November in Deer Creek Canyon Park.  In August, Scott and eight volunteers worked on a section of trail on Rattlesnake Gulch.  They worked on cutting back vegetation, worked on treading the trail, and enhanced the functionality of a switchback by widening it into more of a climbing turn.

Fairgrounds Trail

Scott Waters, Trail Services Team Lead, hosted a volunteer day to give much needed love to a trail in the system that starts at the Jeffco Fairgrounds and travels to Green Mountain Park in the City of Lakewood. Once again, Scott and the volunteers performed stellar trail work by restoring parts of the former trail, while constructing areas of new trail.









Elk Meadow Park

Mechanical trail construction wrapped up at Stagecoach South.  The finished tread work will be completed in the future.

Beaver Ranch Park

Trail construction continues at Beaver Ranch. The Trails Team cut roughly 2 miles of trail in August, and finished off about 1.5 miles of trail!  Work has started on the section of a new trail from Coyote Creek down to the bridge crossing. Huge thanks to the Trail Services Team for the assistance in knocking out the tread work after the Sutter went through.

Lair o’ the Bear Park

Park Services and Cory Marusin, Region Coordinator for Open Space, worked together to add material and grade the parking lot.  There are many more spaces now, a big improvement!!

Burro Patrol Team Unite!

Meet the Burro Patrollers, a volunteer group of teens and adult leaders assembled by Shaun Howard, Park Ranger. The Burro Patrol patrols the trails, looking for park visitors who are doing “the right thing”, such as dog-on-leash, bagging out trash, and staying on trail. When found, the Burro Patrollers give out small gifts and giant thank-yous. The Burro Patrol is also involved in service-based projects and assists at the trail courtesy popups. This summer, the Burro Patrol has helped with trash pickup, trimming emergency access routes, removing trees over trails, and assisting natural resources in deployment of research traps – specifically for the Natural Resources Team study of the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse. Keep an eye out for the burros and their pack goat assistants, coming to a park near you!

Photos by Chelsea Beebe and Shaun Howard

Help Reduce Wildfire Danger

Don’t forget the SLASH collection program, it’s happening now until the end of October, at rotating locations every weekend. Protect your home and community from wildfire by creating defensible space around your home to reduce risk of wildfire. Bring your tree debris to Jeffco SLASH this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 9AM to 4PM each day. More info:

Jeffco Bike Plan

Jeffco Transportation and Engineering is in the process of updating the Bicycle Plan for the county, focusing on unincorporated Jeffco and linking to Open Space or other popular destinations. For more information go to the Jeffco Bike Plan Update


Fall Stewardship Webinar Series

Jeffco Invasive Species Management and CSU Extension (Boulder, Jeffco, and Larimer Counties) are hosting a four week speaker series from September 15 through October 6.  This free program will educate and inform small acreage property owners on the latest trends in land stewardship. The talks are geared for owners of 2-10+ acres but all are welcome. Virtual sessions, from 6:00–7:30 pm. register here.

Volunteers Wanted for National Public Lands Day

Join us for National Public Lands Day along Clear Creek Trail near the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt to help with trash cleanup, vegetation trimming, noxious weed removal, planting and seeding, beaver tree painting, gold panning mitigation, and graffiti removal in the Golden Cliffs climbing area. End the day with a celebration at Anderson Park, FREE FOOD & FUN!







Photo of the Month

Every summer the Natural Resources Team assists Colorado Parks & Wildlife with the bighorn sheep survey in Clear Creek Canyon Park. This year the sheep did not disappoint! The team saw a total of 20 individuals throughout the canyon, including a large group of rams near Tunnel 1 and a group of ewes and yearlings just north of the Big Easy Trailhead. This monitoring not only provides a seasonal estimation of individuals and important age group and sex ratios, but it’s also a great opportunity to help our state wildlife agency and be a partner in conservation.
Photo by Natural Resource Specialist, Michelle Desrosiers


What a month! Miss Mountain Manners is astonished at how busy the Parks are in the summertime! There’s so much that needs to get done before the snow flies, and in the higher elevation parks, that will happen before you know it. Recreate responsibly, check for trail conditions and closures before heading out.

Miss Mountain Manners wants to let everyone at JeffCo Open Space know how proud we at PLAN Jeffco are of the terrific work that they’re doing. The next time you’re in one of our Parks and you see a JCOS Staffer or Volunteer, introduce yourself and say “thank you”.


Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco