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PLAN Jeffco Monthly September 2024

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Shadow Mountain Bike Park screen


Shadow Mountain Bike Park screenIn a seven to zero unanimous decision, last night the Jeffco Planning Commission denied Resolution 23-102980RZ, the Special Use request from the Shadow Mountain Bike Park.

If you’ve been following this development, or if you’re an avid downhill mountain biker, then you’re already aware of the decision – but for everyone else, here’s a bit of background and why the request was denied… Read more

Miles and Miles of Trails

JCOS Dashboard image

Have you ever wondered how many miles of trails are included in our Jeffco Open Space parks? Can you guess how many acres have been preserved? or how much land is under direct management by JCOS? Here’s the place to find out…the Jefferson County Open Space Dashboard.

Read more

Poison Hemlock thumbnail

The Invasives – Poison Hemlock & Cow Parsley

Poison Hemlock thumbnailIt’s time for a change of pace. Today we’re going to talk about two invasive plants that look so similar but which have drastically different consequences. Both can be found in our Open Space parks.

Poison Hemlock v. Cow Parsley — can you tell the difference?  Here’s an article written for Foothills Living Magazine; we’ve been given permission to post as a public service.

Poison Hemlock_Cow Parsley_Aug24 18

Why be concerned about this, or any other invasive plant? They’re called invasives because they’ve moved into an ecosystem within which they did not evolve, usually with help from human activity. When this happens, when an invasive finds a new environment within which it can thrive, it’s usually without the lifestyle controls with which it evolved. Without these restraints, the invasive not only thrives, it takes over and overwhelms indigenous plants, sometimes to extinction. The plant-eating critters that evolved with the indigenous plants may not be able to tolerate the invasives, and they, too, fail to thrive. The carnivores who feed on the plant-eaters begin to fail…and so it goes, like a stack of dominoes. That’s why invasives — the plants — need to be controlled and in the worst cases, eliminated.

For more information from Jeffco Open Space on invasive plant species, go to

So when you’re trekking in the Jeffco Open Space Parks, keep your eyes peeled for these lovely but, in some cases, deadly invasives — and don’t touch!

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco





This is a repost of the article written in April 2021 by D. Jean Tate. Riley is no longer with us, but Jean and Leia, her new trekking companion, continue to visit the Parks. The information and lessons learned are as important today as they were in 2021. We hope you appreciate the reminder and enjoy the read.

Jean Tate and Riley at White Ranch OS Park

Sharing the outdoors with your dog—it’s one of the most enjoyable things I know!  For that reason—and because our open lands and trails are used by wildlife plus an ever-increasing number of people for a variety of activities, and also because of dogs’ natural inclinations—there are rules to be followed when you and your dog are outdoors, outside the bounds of your private property.  Those rules vary by location based on political boundaries, land ownership, and land management. Read more

SLASH collection site


Slash collection site

SLASH – Sustainable Lands And Safer Homes — is back for 2024, and the full schedule, with all relevant information (where, when, cost, what constitutes a truckload, etc) is available at

The Short List of Locations & Dates

Blue Mountain Open Space, 23401 Coal Creek Canyon Rd, Arvada CO 80007

Th 5/23 – Su 5/26
Th 5/30 – Fr 5/31
Th 6/06 – Fr 6/07
Th 6/13 – Fr 6/14
Th 6/20 – Fr 6/21
Th 6/27 – Fr 6/28
Th 7/04 – Fr 7/05
Th 7/11 – Fr 7/12
Th 7/18 – Fr 7/19


Elk Creek Elementary, 13304 US Hwy 285, Pine CO 80470

Sa 6/01 – Su 6/02
Sa 6/08 – Su 6/09
Sa 6/15 – Su 6/16
Sa 6/22 – Su 6/23
Sa 6/29 – Su 6/30
Sa 7/06 – Su 7/07
Sa 7/13 – Su 7/14
Sa 7/20 – Su 7/21


Marshdale Property, 26624 N Turkey Creek Rd, Evergreen CO 80429 (site closes at 3PM daily)

Th 7/25 – Su 7/28
Th 8/01 – Su 8/04
Th 8/15 – Su 8/18
Th 8/22 – Su 8/25
Th 8/29 – Su 9/01
Th 9/05 – Su 9/08


Tincup Ridge Slash Yard, 151 S Rooney Rd, Golden CO 80401

Saturdays and Sundays, June 1 through October 27


Site hours: 9AM to 4PM except for the Marshdale Property. Please plan to arrive no later than 1/2 hour before closing.

Fees, what’s accepted and what’s not, and how to calculate coast are available at
Credit cards only. Neither cash nor checks will be accepted on-site.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Miss Mountain Manners wants to thank everyone who will take part in the 2024 SLASH program.  Removing slash and creating a defensible space around your home is the first line of defense against wildfires, which are a consistent cause for concern in Jefferson County. You can create zones around your home, removing any fire fuels, such as tree debris, to create a properly mitigated property. This doesn’t mean that wildfire will pass you by, but it gives the fire department a better opportunity to save your home when it does happen. Great tips on how to protect your home and property can be found on the Jeffco Sheriff’s hazard mitigation page and at FireWise website. Jeffco’s CSU Extension also has a  factsheet that can help homeowners plant low-flammability gardens.