Ann Tristani, InPleinSight 2016


Changing Colors by Ann Tristani

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Ann Tristani, Edgewater Colorado



Mountain Drama by Ann Tristani


After a lifetime in Minnesota, Ann Tristani moved to Colorado in 2014 with her husband Mark to pursue painting full-time.

Becoming an oil painter is Ann’s response to a lifetime of appreciating the wonder of creation. She is inspired by the way the light falls on a subject and hopes to draw viewers to ponder a moment of beauty they might not otherwise have recognized.


Mountain Glory by Ann Tristani

Ann is captivated by the values, colors, shapes, and edges of a landscape or an object and she continually strives to capture the intangible effects of light, air, and distance in her expressive, impressionistic paintings. Originally self-taught, Ann has made it a priority over the last decade to study with, paint with and learn from many of the greatest Master Artists of our time.

For more information, visit

Cheryl St. John, In Plein Sight 2016

Afternoon Glow - Cheryl StJohn

Afternoon Glow by Cheryl St. John

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Cheryl St. John, Arvada Colorado


Perfect Petals - Cheryl StJohn

Perfect Petals by Cheryl St. John


Cheryl St. John is a fourth generation Colorado native with a great appreciation of nature and the environment, and the preservation of both. Born and raised at the foot of the Rocky Mountains to parents who enjoyed fishing, hiking and camping, Cheryl was introduced at an early age to the beauty of the Colorado mountains and developed her own love for the outdoors that influences her artwork today.


Cheryl studied fine art and design at The Rocky Mountain College of Art and at the Colorado Institute of Art. An award-winning artist, Cheryl is a member of Oil Painters of America, the Art Students League of Denver, Plein Air Artists of Colorado and a Signature member of the American Impressionist Society.

Lavendar Gold - Cheryl StJohn

Lavendar Gold by Cheryl St. John


Her work can be found in both corporate and private collections around the world, as well as at Saks Galleries in Denver, CO, Oh Be Joyful Galleries in Crested Butte, CO and Wild Horse Gallery in Steamboat Springs, CO.


For more information, visit

Patty Voje, In Plein Sight 2016

Patty Voje 2016 319 Ode to Arizona 6x6 0405

Ode to Arizona by Patty Voje

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Patty Voje, Saint Paul, Minnesota



Patty Voje 2016 276 Main Street Mineral Point 8x6 0212

Main Street Mineral Point by Patty Voje


Patty Voje grew up on a small farm and spent her youth surrounded by rolling hills, farm animals and woodlands. She now spends weekends driving through the countryside to search for the open land of her youth and takes any opportunity she can to immerse herself in nature painting.

Patty paints in the alla prima style, with a “painterly” approach: large brushes loaded with paint that is sloppily yet thoughtfully laid down. She is a member of the Oil Painters of America, Outdoor Painters of Minnesota and American Women Artists.

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This Hard Land by Patty Voje

An award-winning artist, Patty’s work has been exhibited in Minnesota and California and can currently be found at Frameworks Gallery in St. Paul, MN and Wantoot Gallery in Mineral Point, WI.

For more information, visit

Linda Mooney, In Plein Sight 2016

Linda Mooney 1

Linda Mooney 1 by Linda Mooney

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Linda Mooney, Aurora, Colorado

Linda Mooney 2

Linda Mooney 2 by Linda Mooney



Linda Mooney’s preferred medium is oil on canvas and her current body of work is entitled “Images that Excite the Senses.” Originally from New York City, Linda was heavily influenced by Van Gogh, Monet, and Cezanne as an adolescent.


With bold strokes, bright colors and a pallet knife, Linda strives to create visually energetic and emotionally strong paintings. Her goal in painting is to express and create a sense of place, energy and joy that one can dive into and stay for a while.

Linda Mooney 3

Linda Mooney 3 by Linda Mooney



For more information, visit

Karin Toppel, In Plein Sight 2016

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End of Day by Karin Toppel

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Karin Toppel, Larkspur, Colorado




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Canyon of the Horse Spirit by Karin Toppel

Karin Toppel is a western artist who paints western subjects — horses, cattle, cowboys, landscapes and more.


Both a studio and plein air artist, Karin has been an invited artist at the Douglas Land Conservancy event for the last two years. She won the Artists Choice Award at the Moab Plein Air event in 2014 and received an Honorable Mention in the Plein Air Painters of Colorado national show.


Her work is currently shown at Framed Image in Denver, Colorado. For more information, visit

Shelley Howard, In Plein Sight 2016

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Crested Butte Meadow by Shelley Howard

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Shelley Howard, Denver, Colorado


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Winter Sojourn by Shelley Howard

Originally from Ohio, Shelley Howard received a BFA in drawing and painting from Bowling Green State University, and later an MA in visual arts education from The University of Northern Colorado while teaching art in the public schools in Colorado.


From the beginning, her work has been inspired by the architectural landscape in Colorado and New Mexico. The interplay of edges with expressive brushstrokes, or in Shelley’s case, mark making in pastel, helps unify the works while creating a feeling of rhythm throughout each piece.

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Willow Creek Patio by Shelley Howard


Shelley regularly exhibits her work as an active member of the Pastel Society of Colorado, the Plein Air Artists of Colorado and the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico. Her studio and gallery is at Artists on Santa Fe, Denver, CO.  In June Shelley participated as a juried artist in the 2016 Santa Fe Plein Air Festival, Santa Fe, NM.

For more information, visit

Sabrina Stiles, In Plein Sight 2016

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Along the Way by Sabrina Stiles

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Sabrina Stiles, Longmont, Colorado


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Daybreak At Sandstone by Sabrina Stiles

Sabrina Stiles is a versatile and prolific painter who loves to explore new ways to express herself through her artwork.  She draws inspiration from her travels as well as the beautiful landscape near her home in Colorado. Her keen observation and reverence for the beauty that surrounds her is evident in her work.


She has studied with many nationally recognized artists and has won awards in local, regional and national competitions. Her work is in private collections throughout the country and she is represented at Mary Williams Fine Art and Wyoming Trails Gallery in Boulder, CO.

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Sabrina Stiles, comparison



For more information, visit



Rogers Naylor, In Plein Sight 2016

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Morning in Silver Plume by Rodgers Naylor

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Rodgers Naylor, Denver, Colorado



Open Space by Rodgers Naylor

Open Space by Rodgers Naylor


Rodgers Naylor takes a strong interest in the effects of light and shadow and warm/cool colors, and is intrigued by the interplay between the landscape and its human inhabitants. Each painting is both an abstract composition of light and dark shapes, and the starting point of a story whose details and conclusions may be imagined by the viewer.

Rodgers completes some work “alla prima,” in one painting session, and others as a part of a group of paintings done together over a period of weeks. He paints both in the studio and en plein air. Rodgers is a member of the American Impressionist Society, the Art Students League of Denver, Oil Painters of America and Plein Air Artists Colorado.


January Light by Rodgers Naylor

January Light by Rodgers Naylor

He has exhibited frequently throughout Colorado’s front range, as well as in Michigan, Philadelphia, PA and Washington, D.C.


For more information, visit

Mike Ray, In Plein Sight 2016

Mike Ray_South View Red Rocks

South View Red Rocks by Mike Ray

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Mike Ray, Littleton, Colorado


Mike Ray_Up River

Up River by Mike Ray



Mike Ray paints about half of his work on location, outdoors. He has received numerous national and international awards for his pastel painting work and is a Master signature member of the Pastel Society of Colorado.


Born and raised in Colorado, most of Mike’s subject matter comes from front range locations west and south of Denver.

Mike Ray_A Morrison Ranch

A Morrison Ranch by Mike Ray



For more information, visit


Deborah McAllister, In Plein Sight 2016

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Morning Meditation by Deborah McAllister

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Deborah McAllister, Lakewood, Colorado



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White Ranch Red Barn by Deborah McAllister

Deborah McAllister lives and paints in Colorado, and loves all aspects of the environment. She encourages others to nurture and protect our special surroundings, and she has been privileged to support organizations such as Summit County’s Continental Divide Land Trust with her art.


Originally from Wisconsin, Deborah attended Colorado Institute of Art and returned to Colorado in 1998 to reside full-time. She is a board member of Plein Air Artists Colorado and shows her work at Artists on Santa Fe Gallery in Denver and Rijks Family Gallery in Crested Butte.

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Water Tower by Deborah McAllister



For more information, visit