Matthews-Winters Park Gets Designated Mountain Bike Only Trail

Reprinted from Jeffco Open Space News Release, October 28, 2019

After conducting a one-year pilot program on the newly constructed Dakota Ridge South Trail at Matthews/Winters Park, Jeffco Open Space is officially designating the .8 mile section of Dakota Ridge South Trail as mountain bike only, as of November 1, 2019.

The 2018 Jeffco Resident Survey reflected that 75% of respondents were in favor of designating trails for a single type of use. In addition, the 2014-2019 JCOS Master Plan identifies the objective to evaluate different management types on existing trails. Considering these factors, along with additional considerations, JCOS decided to implement a pilot program to evaluate designated use trails.

The pilot program evaluated the challenges and benefits associated with designated use trails. During this time, Jeffco Open Space collected data, conducted surveys with all visitor types, and solicited feedback about visitors’ overall experience on the trail.

Approximately 80% of all visitors surveyed were satisfied or in favor of the designation for the Dakota Ridge South Trail. Jeffco Open Space also collaborated with the regional mountain bike community, who provided valuable insight and feedback. Based on this data and positive comments collected from visitors, Jeffco Open Space made the decision to make the designation permanent.

Dakota Ridge South Trail will go from a pilot program to a mountain bike only designation on November 1, 2019 and will be signed to reflect this change.

To learn more about designated use trails in Jeffco Open Space parks, visit

Matthews Winters Open Space Park map



Jeffco Open Space was founded as a land conservation organization in 1972. Our mission is to preserve open space and parkland, protect park and natural resources, and provide healthy, nature-based experiences. Funded with a one-half of one percent sales tax, our organization contributes to city and park district projects, has preserved more than 56,000 acres, and manages 27 open space parks and more than 244 miles of trails in Jefferson County, Colorado.

For more information contact: Matt Robbins, Community Connections Manager, mr******@je****.us or 303.271.5902



Class-1 e-bikes allowed at Open Space Parks

After one year on a trial basis, Jeffco Open Space revealed Oct. 23 that some power-assisted bicycles would be allowed on all trails, according to a report in the Evergreen Canyon Courier. JCOS previously has experimented with allowing bikes on paved trails and bikeways as well as natural surface trails.

Class 1 is the lowest of three classes of e-bikes and is motorized only when the rider is pedaling. The top speed allowed with assistance is 20 mph.

Mary Ann Bonnell, visitors service manager, unveiled the decision at a staff briefing with commissioners, according to the Courier. Of the 59 comments about bikes, 54 percent were positive, 29 percent neutral and 17 percent negative.

Update: March 2019, Open Space will permit Class 1 E-bikes on all trails and Class 2 E-bikes on paved trails.


Possible bike link from town of Morrison to Red Rocks

Mountain bikers are working with Jeffco Open Space to create a trail link between Morrison, Red Rocks and Matthews/Winters Park.


The Canyon Courier reported March 7 that the Colorado Mountain Bike Association submitted a proposal to build a multiuse trail from the town of Morrison to Dinosaur Ridge and Red Rocks entrance along Highway 93 and potentially north to Matthews/Winters.


COMBA is in discussions with the Morrison Town Board and Planning Commission to get a plan approved. Some of the land involved is part of Denver Mountain Parks.


For more information on this development see