SLASH collection site


Slash collection site

SLASH – Sustainable Lands And Safer Homes — is back for 2024, and the full schedule, with all relevant information (where, when, cost, what constitutes a truckload, etc) is available at

The Short List of Locations & Dates

Blue Mountain Open Space, 23401 Coal Creek Canyon Rd, Arvada CO 80007

Th 5/23 – Su 5/26
Th 5/30 – Fr 5/31
Th 6/06 – Fr 6/07
Th 6/13 – Fr 6/14
Th 6/20 – Fr 6/21
Th 6/27 – Fr 6/28
Th 7/04 – Fr 7/05
Th 7/11 – Fr 7/12
Th 7/18 – Fr 7/19


Elk Creek Elementary, 13304 US Hwy 285, Pine CO 80470

Sa 6/01 – Su 6/02
Sa 6/08 – Su 6/09
Sa 6/15 – Su 6/16
Sa 6/22 – Su 6/23
Sa 6/29 – Su 6/30
Sa 7/06 – Su 7/07
Sa 7/13 – Su 7/14
Sa 7/20 – Su 7/21


Marshdale Property, 26624 N Turkey Creek Rd, Evergreen CO 80429 (site closes at 3PM daily)

Th 7/25 – Su 7/28
Th 8/01 – Su 8/04
Th 8/15 – Su 8/18
Th 8/22 – Su 8/25
Th 8/29 – Su 9/01
Th 9/05 – Su 9/08


Tincup Ridge Slash Yard, 151 S Rooney Rd, Golden CO 80401

Saturdays and Sundays, June 1 through October 27


Site hours: 9AM to 4PM except for the Marshdale Property. Please plan to arrive no later than 1/2 hour before closing.

Fees, what’s accepted and what’s not, and how to calculate coast are available at
Credit cards only. Neither cash nor checks will be accepted on-site.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Miss Mountain Manners wants to thank everyone who will take part in the 2024 SLASH program.  Removing slash and creating a defensible space around your home is the first line of defense against wildfires, which are a consistent cause for concern in Jefferson County. You can create zones around your home, removing any fire fuels, such as tree debris, to create a properly mitigated property. This doesn’t mean that wildfire will pass you by, but it gives the fire department a better opportunity to save your home when it does happen. Great tips on how to protect your home and property can be found on the Jeffco Sheriff’s hazard mitigation page and at FireWise website. Jeffco’s CSU Extension also has a  factsheet that can help homeowners plant low-flammability gardens.

SLASH collection site

SLASH 2024 is on its way!

Slash collection site

SLASH – Sustainable Lands And Safer Homes — is back for 2024!  The anticipated start date for the opening of the first SLASH site is May 23rd, and the program is scheduled to continue through the end of October.  At the time of this writing, the location schedule has not been published, but we will advise when it’s available.

Fees for Slash Drop-off

Any size truck or trailer is welcome at Jefferson County Slash Collection sites. Dump fees are based on six cubic yards (162 cubic feet) of material: six yards is one load. The cost to drop off a single load is $24. Credit cards only. This is equivalent to:

  • Truck bed full to truck cab height
  • Trailer up to eight feet long by five feet wide by four feet high
  • Loads outside these parameters will be charged accordingly

Materials Accepted vs. Not Accepted

SLASH accepted - not accepted list

For additional clarification on what’s accepted and what’s not, or how to better calculate costs, go to

For more information and to stay up-to-date, sign up for Alerts. It’s free, non-intrusive, and you’ll be notified of schedule changes, closures of SLASH sites, and updates to the SLASH program.   Enter your email address at the top of the page, scroll down to the Alert Center section, look for Jeffco SLASH and choose the email or cell phone icon — or both — to receive alerts.

Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco

Miss Mountain Manners wants to thank everyone who will take part in the 2024 SLASH program.  Removing slash and creating a defensible space around your home is the first line of defense against wildfires, which are a consistent cause for concern in Jefferson County. You can create zones around your home, removing any fire fuels, such as tree debris, to create a properly mitigated property. This doesn’t mean that wildfire will pass you by, but it gives the fire department a better opportunity to save your home when it does happen. Great tips on how to protect your home and property can be found on the Jeffco Sheriff’s hazard mitigation page and at FireWise website. Jeffco’s CSU Extension also has a  factsheet that can help homeowners plant low-flammability gardens.

Ann & Mary Ann at the Lookout Mtn Nature Center 2018

Ann Bonnell Lived A Life of Service

Ann Bonnell head shot

Ann Bonnell’s death on December 26th, 2023, at the age of 85, left a gaping hole in the heart of the Jefferson County birding community and in the hearts of her fellow PLAN Jeffco Board members.

Ann’s life was focused on family and service. As a high school biology teacher and volunteer Water Safety Instructor for those with special needs, she was able to reach into the lives of many, passing along her belief in service, empathy, and passion for the outdoors and all that it encompasses. Her specific focus, as we at PLAN Jeffco knew her, was birds – birding, leading Tuesday Birders, and teaching about bird life. Read more

ENOR camper circle

ENOR Turns 50!

ENOR camper circle

EAGLE’S NEST OWL’S ROOST (ENOR) Environmental Discovery Camp of Colorado State University Extension in Jefferson County celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2024.

The camp began in the 1970’s and has pioneered education for over 20,000 children in 4th through 8th grade, in outdoor skills and stewardship of the local open spaces and trails. Read more

Fred Naess, Volunteer Park Patroller

A Volunteer Park Patroller’s Perspective

Fred Naess, Volunteer Park Patroller

Fred Naess, 30-year Volunteer Park Patroller & PLAN Jeffco Board Member

What’s it like to be a Volunteer Park Patroller with Jeffco Open Space?

With over two dozen parks, more than 270 miles of trails and nearly 60,000 acres in the system, a Volunteer Park Patroller has many options. Once you’ve been vetted and trained as a Park Patroller, you can sign up for a specific date and time at a park of your choice, but there’s no rule that says you can’t spontaneously “stop by” a park on the way home from work. It’s unlikely you’ll see another Volunteer Patroller, except perhaps on a busy summer weekend, but if you do, there are plenty of other alternative parks to visit for a patrol, none of them very far away.

The range of park experiences is huge. Read more

Alvarado Open Space event

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

(Apologies to the Five Man Electrical Band and their recording of “Signs”, circa 1970).

Signs guide us as we travel through life.  Signs are part of our everyday life; they’re everywhere we look…

There are signs happy signs, announcing fun events that we may want to take part in:Alvarado Open Space event Read more

Leave No Trace Training for All

Leave No Trace — do you really understand what it means? LNT is introducing a free course on the principles of Leave No Trace.  Training for All calls upon people of all different backgrounds and outdoor experiences to take action by participating in Leave No Trace’s free 45-minute virtual outdoor education course. Read more

Seen Any Moose Around Here Lately?

Bull moose standing in a fieldHave you seen a moose in our Open Space parks yet? If you haven’t, you may soon. Moose, which was a rarity in Colorado only 50 years ago, are now routinely sighted in Clear Creek and Jefferson Counties since their introduction in 1978 — transplants from Utah and Wyoming. The transplants have delighted in their new home state. According to biologists from Colorado Parks & Wildlife, there are an estimated 3500 moose roaming the Rockies between Red Feather Lakes and Pagosa Springs. Read more

Register Now image

PLAN Jeffco Stewardship Academy – JOIN THE CROWD!

20Register Now image

PLAN Jeffco Academy Presents:  Stewardship of Open Lands

Do you want to learn more about public lands and how to preserve them for future generations?

Join staff from PLAN Jeffco, Jefferson County Open Space, Jeffco County Commissioner Lesley Dahlkemper, and Colorado Senator Lisa Cutter for a riveting and fast-paced day of learning and discussion at the second annual PLAN Jeffco Stewardship Academy, a one-day seminar open to the public, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Saturday, April 29, 2023, at the American Mountaineering Center in Golden. Lunch included.

The Academy offers presentations by local experts in conservation, biodiversity, land management and stewardship, and how to advocate for open space lands. Engage with PLAN Jeffco Board members, Jeffco Open Space staff, Jeffco Commissioner Dahlkemper, Senator Lisa Cutter, and Carmela Montenegro of “Not Mad Just Misunderstood”, learn from their experiences, and enjoy meeting others who share your love of the land.

Topics include the history of Jeffco Open Space, physical and biological components of ecosystems, impacts of human population, visitor experience and trail courtesy, strategies for encouraging inclusivity, land conservation and grassroots advocacy.

There will be an optional Stewardship Day on Sunday, April 30th, at one of the Jeffco Open Space parks under the guidance of an Open Space Field Specialist.

In 1972, PLAN Jeffco launched the citizen’s initiative which created the Jeffco Open Space program, protecting from development more than 60,000 acres, comprising Open Space 27 parks.

Enrollment starts March 1 at


Saturday, April 29, 2023, 9 AM to 4 PM

American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th St., Golden CO

$17 fee, includes a one-year digital membership with PLAN Jeffco — limited  scholarships available.

For more information contact: 


Enroll now. Download planned curriculum HERE.


Connect to EventBrite to make your reservation,

or download this form, fill it out, and mail with your check for $17 to

PLAN Jeffco

11010 West 29th Avenue

Lakewood, CO 80215

Unsure about whether or not you want to participate in this Stewardship Academy? Not able to make it this time because of conflicts? No problem – sign up and we’ll keep you informed about future Academies as we roll them out.


*limited scholarship available upon request. Contact


for more information.

PJ Academy Fall 2022 banner image

PLAN Jeffco Stewardship Academy – It’s Here!

PJ Academy Fall 2022 banner imagePLAN Jeffco Academy Presents:  Stewardship of Open Lands

ALERT: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the PLAN Jeffco Stewardship Academy has been postponed until Spring ’23.

Join us for our full-day Stewardship Academy. Learn how open space conservation started in Jefferson County, why such lands are important, and increase your understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of open lands.

PLAN Jeffco was the driving force behind development of the outstanding Jefferson County Open Space Program that serves so many.  We want to help others to experience greater enjoyment and appreciation of open lands.

What will we talk about?

  • The role of PLAN Jeffco’s volunteers in the origination and development of the Jefferson County Open Space Park System has resulted in preservation of more than 56,000 acres of public land to date.
  • The history of land stewardship in Jefferson County.
  • The geological and ecological significance of our open lands.
  • Issues facing our ecosystems, especially along the Front Range, and how we can help address those issues.
  • Ensuring that open space parks are welcoming for all visitors.
  • How individual actions impact the land, other visitors, and maintenance needs and costs.
  • How you can help ensure that our open lands remain healthy into the future.

This full-day program is scheduled for Saturday, October 29th 9 am-4 pm
at the American Mountaineering Center in Golden, Colorado

There will be an optional Friday afternoon field project on October 28th for those who are interested in a hands-on field experience

$35 Enrollment fee* includes:

  • A full day of presentations by local experts in conservation, biodiversity, land management, and more.
  • An optional group stewardship project in one of the Jeffco Open Space Parks.
  • One-year full membership in PLAN Jeffco.
  • An intimate connection to the original founders of PLAN Jeffco and the Open Space program, as well as the opportunity to meet and greet the current PLAN Jeffco Board Members and possibly, become a Board Member yourself!

Enroll now. Download planned curriculum HERE.


Connect to PayPal to make your reservation,

or download this form, fill it out, and mail with your check for $35 to

PLAN Jeffco

11010 West 29th Avenue

Lakewood, CO 80215

Unsure about whether or not you want to participate in this Stewardship Academy? Not able to make it this time because of conflicts? No problem – sign up and we’ll keep you informed about future Academies as we roll them out.


*limited scholarship available upon request. Contact


for more information.