Ann & Mary Ann at the Lookout Mtn Nature Center 2018

Ann Bonnell Lived A Life of Service

Ann Bonnell head shot

Ann Bonnell’s death on December 26th, 2023, at the age of 85, left a gaping hole in the heart of the Jefferson County birding community and in the hearts of her fellow PLAN Jeffco Board members.

Ann’s life was focused on family and service. As a high school biology teacher and volunteer Water Safety Instructor for those with special needs, she was able to reach into the lives of many, passing along her belief in service, empathy, and passion for the outdoors and all that it encompasses. Her specific focus, as we at PLAN Jeffco knew her, was birds – birding, leading Tuesday Birders, and teaching about bird life. Read more

Pioneer PLAN Jeffco Board Member John Litz

John Litz head shot, OS Volunteer Picnic

Pioneer PLAN Jeffco Board Member John Litz Served 51 years

By Vicky Gits

John Litz’s death on Dec. 29 at 87 marked the end of an epic career in the service of PLAN Jeffco and the cause of preserving natural lands in general.

A metallurgical engineer by profession, John was a remarkably prolific volunteer who donated most of his free time over the years to various charitable organizations and land stewardship causes.

He is survived by three daughters, Kari Litz, Kirstin Litz, and Denise Litz and by three grandchildren.  His wife of 49 years, Karen, died in 2007.

He was a member of nonprofit PLAN Jeffco for 51 years from 1972 to 2023 and treasurer for most of that time, working closely with longtime chair Margot Zallen.  He was a member of the Jefferson County Open Space Advisory Committee for 30 years, from 1993 to 2023.

John was known for his spreadsheets and mastery of finance and operations, said Ralph Schell, executive director of the open space division from 1998 to 2009.  But he was also approachable. “John was just someone that everyone could appreciate and get along with.”

He was a tireless workhorse on behalf of the outdoors and a living history record of the open space saga.

At the beginning Read more

ENOR camper circle

ENOR Turns 50!

ENOR camper circle

EAGLE’S NEST OWL’S ROOST (ENOR) Environmental Discovery Camp of Colorado State University Extension in Jefferson County celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2024.

The camp began in the 1970’s and has pioneered education for over 20,000 children in 4th through 8th grade, in outdoor skills and stewardship of the local open spaces and trails. Read more

2024 Conservation Awards Ceremony

2024 Conservation Awards Ceremony Pays Tribute to John Litz

2024 Conservation Awards CeremonyBy Vicky Gits

Once a year, Jefferson County Open Space honors those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and exemplary effort as volunteers on behalf of Open Space Parks, as well as the causes on behalf of land preservation and involvement.

About 300 people attended this year’s Conservation Award event at the Lakewood Cultural Center Jan. 31. Members of the Open Space staff nominate candidates and choose the winners.

The highlight was a video tribute to volunteer role model John Litz, longtime board member of PLAN Jeffco, who died Dec. 29, 2023 at age 87. Although suffering from cancer, Litz continued to serve as an active member of both the PLAN Jeffco Board and the Open Space Advisory Committee before he died. Read more