In Memoriam – John Litz, PLAN Jeffco Founder

John Litz at the PLAN Jeffco 40th Anniversary celebration, 2012

John Litz at the PLAN Jeffco 40th Anniversary celebration, 2012

It is with heavy hearts that we come to you with news of the passing of one of our own, John Litz. There are some people for whom words are just not enough.

John was an original founder of PLAN Jeffco, the keeper of Open Space histories and teacher of conservation methods. His accomplishments are too numerous to list, his encyclopedic knowledge of land and conservation opportunities profound. Read more

Fred Naess, Volunteer Park Patroller

A Volunteer Park Patroller’s Perspective

Fred Naess, Volunteer Park Patroller

Fred Naess, 30-year Volunteer Park Patroller & PLAN Jeffco Board Member

What’s it like to be a Volunteer Park Patroller with Jeffco Open Space?

With over two dozen parks, more than 270 miles of trails and nearly 60,000 acres in the system, a Volunteer Park Patroller has many options. Once you’ve been vetted and trained as a Park Patroller, you can sign up for a specific date and time at a park of your choice, but there’s no rule that says you can’t spontaneously “stop by” a park on the way home from work. It’s unlikely you’ll see another Volunteer Patroller, except perhaps on a busy summer weekend, but if you do, there are plenty of other alternative parks to visit for a patrol, none of them very far away.

The range of park experiences is huge. Read more