ALD map park closure 2023

Alderfer/Three Sisters Forest Health 2023-2024

Alderfer3Sisters Open Space ParkIf you’ve recently been out to Alderfer/Three Sisters Park recently, you’ll notice that there’s a lot of forestry activity happening, especially in the eastern one-third of the park.

Managing and maintaining forest health is incredibly important to the safety of everyone and everything, and so, after 100+ years of the forest overgrowth, JCOS is able to start work on this park.

Starting in August 2023, the JCOS Forest Management Team will remove seedlings, saplings, and even some larger trees – mostly Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir – so that the density of the forest will be reduced. Eventually some 240 acres throughout the entire park will be mitigated. This will result in a healthier ecosystem that will be far more resilient to wildfire than what is currently in place. Read more

Presidents Report 7/31/2023

It’s the merry month of August and President’s Report time, time to catch up with what’s happening in the local land conservation community and spot-checks from around the world.  New this month is a section on Signs of Hope. We hope you enjoy the read, and in so doing, we hope this may broaden perspectives in some small way.
– the Fine Folks at PLAN Jeffco

NOTE: in this Presidents Report you’ll read about lands that have been “Permanently Protected” by land organizations. Most of these protected lands have conservation easements on them and have very limited public availability, unlike our Jeffco Open Space Parks.
What is a conservation easement? It’s a promise to the land, a promise that encumbers the land, that protects the land from ever being developed into something other than what it already is. The land is still privately owned, so no — you cannot go trekking across the property without the owners’ permission, but you can rest assured that the land will not sprout condominiums or shopping centers. Read more

Leave No Trace Training for All

Leave No Trace — do you really understand what it means? LNT is introducing a free course on the principles of Leave No Trace.  Training for All calls upon people of all different backgrounds and outdoor experiences to take action by participating in Leave No Trace’s free 45-minute virtual outdoor education course. Read more

Seen Any Moose Around Here Lately?

Bull moose standing in a fieldHave you seen a moose in our Open Space parks yet? If you haven’t, you may soon. Moose, which was a rarity in Colorado only 50 years ago, are now routinely sighted in Clear Creek and Jefferson Counties since their introduction in 1978 — transplants from Utah and Wyoming. The transplants have delighted in their new home state. According to biologists from Colorado Parks & Wildlife, there are an estimated 3500 moose roaming the Rockies between Red Feather Lakes and Pagosa Springs. Read more

Stack of newspapers

Presidents Report 6/15/2023

Stack of newspapers

Towards the end of every PLAN Jeffco Board meeting, there is a Presidents Report. This is our opportunity to bring awareness to issues that transcend our local Jefferson County Open Space Parks. The Presidents Report lists activities and events from local and regional organizations, both land conservancy and otherwise, with reports from national and global news agencies. We hope you enjoy the read, and in so doing, we hope this may broaden perspectives in some small way.
– the Fine Folks at PLAN Jeffco

NOTE: in this Presidents Report you’ll read about lands that have been “Permanently Protected” by land organizations. Most of these protected lands have conservation easements on them, unlike our Jeffco Open Space Parks.
What is a conservation easement? It’s a promise to the land, a promise that encumbers the land, that protects the land from ever being developed into something other than what it already is. The land is still privately owned, so no — you cannot go trekking across the property without the owners’ permission, but you can rest assured that the land will not sprout condominiums or shopping centers. Read more

PJ Newsletter thumbnail, 2023 March

March 2023 Newsletter

PJ Newsletter thumbnail, 2023 March

Inside this issue: Stewardship Academy; Conservation Awards; Peaks to Plains; Acquisitions; Lubahn Trail; Hall of Fame; OSAC Notes

Download your copy of the March 2023 newsletter here

Walk through the mud, not around.

Is Mud Season Really Over?

La Nina - El Nino weather patterns across North AmericaIf you’re a regular — or even an occasional — visitor to our Jeffco Open Space Parks, you’ll know about the mud season routine. Walk through, not around the mud.

We’ve had a fabulous spring this year, the mud was intense for a while, but now that the daily rains have slackened off, is mud season really over?

I doubt it. Read more

PLAN Jeffco founder John Litz presenting at the 2023 Conservation Stewardship Academy


PJ Academy Fall 2022 banner image

How do you describe a day full of learning, a day full of presentations on ecosystems, and the many ways to conserve our natural resources? It was fun. It was engaging. It created an awareness of what is happening in the conservation world and what each of us can do about it.

On the 29th of April, 2023, a room full of open space enthusiasts gathered to hear the full story of Jefferson County Open Space, from how it was in the beginning, to the geological, climatological, and biological treasures encompassed within and outside the parks, to future directions in visitor management. Alternative methods of land conservation were introduced. Interactive discussions on diversity, equity, inclusion, and advocacy kept the participants engaged throughout the day. Read more

Slash collection site

Git Yer SLASH On

The 2023 SLASH Schedule – it’s that time of year, time to collect up all that woody debris that’s been hanging out in the yard and getting rid of it.  SLASH collections have started and will continue through the summer and into the fall.
When and where? and what time are the SLASH sites open?
All the SLASH sites will open at 9AM. The last load will be admitted at 3:30PM.

Read more

Register Now image

PLAN Jeffco Stewardship Academy – JOIN THE CROWD!

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PLAN Jeffco Academy Presents:  Stewardship of Open Lands

Do you want to learn more about public lands and how to preserve them for future generations?

Join staff from PLAN Jeffco, Jefferson County Open Space, Jeffco County Commissioner Lesley Dahlkemper, and Colorado Senator Lisa Cutter for a riveting and fast-paced day of learning and discussion at the second annual PLAN Jeffco Stewardship Academy, a one-day seminar open to the public, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Saturday, April 29, 2023, at the American Mountaineering Center in Golden. Lunch included.

The Academy offers presentations by local experts in conservation, biodiversity, land management and stewardship, and how to advocate for open space lands. Engage with PLAN Jeffco Board members, Jeffco Open Space staff, Jeffco Commissioner Dahlkemper, Senator Lisa Cutter, and Carmela Montenegro of “Not Mad Just Misunderstood”, learn from their experiences, and enjoy meeting others who share your love of the land.

Topics include the history of Jeffco Open Space, physical and biological components of ecosystems, impacts of human population, visitor experience and trail courtesy, strategies for encouraging inclusivity, land conservation and grassroots advocacy.

There will be an optional Stewardship Day on Sunday, April 30th, at one of the Jeffco Open Space parks under the guidance of an Open Space Field Specialist.

In 1972, PLAN Jeffco launched the citizen’s initiative which created the Jeffco Open Space program, protecting from development more than 60,000 acres, comprising Open Space 27 parks.

Enrollment starts March 1 at


Saturday, April 29, 2023, 9 AM to 4 PM

American Mountaineering Center, 710 10th St., Golden CO

$17 fee, includes a one-year digital membership with PLAN Jeffco — limited  scholarships available.

For more information contact: 


Enroll now. Download planned curriculum HERE.


Connect to EventBrite to make your reservation,

or download this form, fill it out, and mail with your check for $17 to

PLAN Jeffco

11010 West 29th Avenue

Lakewood, CO 80215

Unsure about whether or not you want to participate in this Stewardship Academy? Not able to make it this time because of conflicts? No problem – sign up and we’ll keep you informed about future Academies as we roll them out.


*limited scholarship available upon request. Contact


for more information.