2022 Preservation Progress cover page

Jeffco Open Space 2022 Preservation Progress Annual Report

We have a new addition to our Library, the Open Space 2022 Preservation Progress. It’s an update updates on how Open Space is doing with the Conservation Greenprint 2020-2025.
Apologies for not getting this added before now, it’s been available on the Jeffco Open Space website since sometime this spring. Our Librarian has been remiss.
Happy reading!

Jeffco Open Space Foundation home screen

The Open Space Foundation is Back!

Jeffco Open Space Foundation home screenTwenty-five years ago, a group of volunteers formed an organization called the Jeffco Open Space Foundation, whose purpose was (and is) to raise funds for programs and initiatives that align with its vision, mission, beliefs and its focus areas.

From the beginning, the Foundation has been busy. They have provided partial funding for acquisition of Hildebrand Ranch, South Table, Alderfer/Three Sisters, and Elk Meadow Open Space Parks.

They funded improvements at Evergreen Lake, the Pioneer Trail in Evergreen, and Lair o’the Bear Open Space Park, as well as providing matching funds for the Open Space Grant program. Read more

ALD map park closure 2023

Alderfer/Three Sisters Forest Health 2023-2024

Alderfer3Sisters Open Space ParkIf you’ve recently been out to Alderfer/Three Sisters Park recently, you’ll notice that there’s a lot of forestry activity happening, especially in the eastern one-third of the park.

Managing and maintaining forest health is incredibly important to the safety of everyone and everything, and so, after 100+ years of the forest overgrowth, JCOS is able to start work on this park.

Starting in August 2023, the JCOS Forest Management Team will remove seedlings, saplings, and even some larger trees – mostly Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir – so that the density of the forest will be reduced. Eventually some 240 acres throughout the entire park will be mitigated. This will result in a healthier ecosystem that will be far more resilient to wildfire than what is currently in place. Read more