Boettcher Mansion pergola being disasembled by Open Space Park Construction Team.

Open Space Update – January 2022

It’s a new year,  with all manner of new adventures waiting for us at our Open Space Parks. Let’s see what JCOS has been up to over our mid-winter holidays…



Boettcher Mansion pergola being disasembled by Open Space Park Construction Team.

The loading dock at Boettcher Mansion underwent an infrastructure improvement during the month of December. The 14-year-old pergola was showing signs of wood rot in the overhead beams. Since it was a safety hazard, it had to be removed. The pergola was not an original part of the building, so the decision was made to remove rather than repair/rebuild. Instead of using outside contractors for this task, Boettcher Mansion partnered with the Open Space Park Construction Team and saved nearly $7,000 in cost, according to Jeffco Open Space & Parks. Photo by Boettcher Mansion Supervisor, Megan Kreutzer.



Cathedral Spires Park gets new rock work.

Cathedral Spires Park got a facelift, thanks to the Front Range climbing Stewards and the Boulder Climbing Community. Read more

Winter Is Here! – Shaun Howard

Nearly a year ago Shaun Howard, Jeffco Open Space Ranger lead, first wrote this post to help all the Open Space Park visitors understand a little more about how to enjoy winter activities in the Parks. It’s time to republish as a reminder, because our parks are “primitive” parks. Don’t expect the trails to be groomed for you. Be prepared for any type of weather, especially as you gain in elevation, and know before you go.

Temps have dropped and winter winds lick the landscape of the Jeffco Parks. Although the winter season has arrived, the parks are still great places to visit. Read on for essential winter safety tips.

Parking: Many believe winter is the “off” season in our parks. While visitor numbers may be less, on sunny winter days expect people to want to enjoy the outdoors. As with other seasons, if you find a full lot, be patient and wait for a legal parking spot, or better yet, look for less busy parks by downloading the mobile Lot Spot App Additionally, winter storms may make park roads and lots impassable. Read more