Shelter at the Flying J Ranch Park

Firewood Sale at Flying J Ranch Park – UPDATE

Shelter at the Flying J Ranch Park

Shelter at the Flying J Ranch Park

Back by popular demand, Jeffco Open Space is pleased to announce their 2020
Firewood Sale at Flying J Ranch Park.

Purchase of firewood sale permits will only be offered online.  Permits will be available for online purchase starting at 9:00 A.M. on August 10, 2020. The dates of the sale are September 12-13, September 19-20, and September 26-27. A total of 40 (two hour) slots will be available for each day of the sale.

A permit costs $25 with a strict limit of two permits per customer. An
additional fee of $25 will apply for filling a truck and a trailer.

Before you purchase a permit, you will first need to create an account. To create an account or to purchase firewood sale permits, please visit:

For written instructions on how to purchase a firewood sale permit or create an account, visit:

If you have questions, please contact Matt Robbins, Community Connections Manager,


, 303.271.5902, 303.522.6218 (cell)


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P2P Bridge to close Highway 6 near Tunnel 1

Clear Creek Canyon Trail Gateway Segment, in preparation for the new bridge.

US Highway 6 through Clear Creek Canyon is scheduled to close at 6 p.m. Monday, August 3rd for a period of about 12 hours while a bridge is set in place east of Tunnel 1 over Clear Creek. This is about 1 mile west of the Colorado Highways 93/58 intersection in Golden. Highway 6 will be closed from this intersection to Colorado Highway 119 at the top of the canyon. Drivers will need to take Interstate I-70 to Highway 6 to detour around this closure.

While the highway is closed, a 163-foot-long bridge will be delivered in three sections for onsite assembly. The structure is designed to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists on the Gateway segment of the P2P Clear Creek Canyon Park trail.

The 450 and 500-ton cranes that will lift the bridge will also be erected during this closure.  It will take an estimated two hours to place the bridge east of Tunnel 1.  Once this is done, the cranes will be removed, the site cleaned up and then Highway 6 can reopen for travel Tuesday morning Aug. 4.

If weather conditions Monday night aren’t conducive, the work it will be rescheduled for Tuesday night.

For additional information about this project, visit the project website at

You can also reach the project team at 


 or 720-893-1313. Please share this information with anyone who might need to know about it.

—  By Jefferson County Open Space

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South Valley, Mann Reservoir - photo courtesy of CarbonFibrePhotos

Hi-yo, Silver, Away!!

South Valley, Mann Reservoir - photo courtesy of CarbonFibrePhotos

South Valley, Mann Reservoir – photo courtesy of CarbonFibrePhotos

Don your mask and make like the Lone Ranger – with your nose and mouth covered when near others. The Lone Ranger says, “There comes a time when good man must wear a mask.” That time is now. Take your trusty steed – boots, bike, dog (leashed), or horse (properly controlled) – and head out to some Jeffco Open Space on your own or with a trusted friend (preferably one). But beware, Jefferson County Open Space Parks are being overwhelmed by so many of us who are seeking respite from the COVID-19 restrictions and stressful uncertainties our lives. Our dedicated park rangers and volunteers are out again helping us all do the right thing, but they are stretched thin and need your support and cooperation.  Their numbers are limited, and they can’t be everywhere at once.

We are faced with this “new normal” now. It requires more awareness of our responsibilities to ourselves, others and the land we love. On Thursday, 7/16/20, our Governor announced a statewide mask mandate. The executive order says that it’s best to wear a mask whenever you cannot keep a safe distance (at least 6 feet) from other people, and encourages mask wearing in crowded spaces, either indoors or out. For more information on the executive order, read about it here.

PLAN Jeffco respectfully offers these guidelines and thanks everyone, not only for following the guidelines, but also for your support via the ½ cent sales tax that goes to Open Space every time you buy something in Jefferson County.

* Walk close to home, enjoy your neighbors’ flowers.

* If you find the Open Space parking lot full, move on to another park. Check out the parking lot app (LotSpot) to find a Park not currently overcrowded.

* Come at a time when the park is less crowded such as weekdays, before 8 am or after 6 pm.

* Wear a mask, neck gator or bandana.

* Stay on the trail whenever possible, while honoring social distances. Be careful where you step as vegetation is in full growth this time of the year—and yes, there may even be snakes near or on the trails!

* The 6-foot social distance recommendation refers to still air. If the wind is at your back, increase the distance between you and the person in front of you.

* To minimize interaction time consider giving downhill hikers the right-of-way.

* Observe park, trail or area closures.

* Follow guidelines posted at trailheads.

* Be considerate of other park users and Open Space staff.

Who is that intrepid masked person??? – It should be you!!

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