2020-2025 Conservation Greenprint

Nearly a year ago this article on the The Conservation Greenprint, the guideline by which JeffCo Open Space directs its parks and trails management and administration, was posted. It’s time to take a look at it again, and see what’s been accomplished, and what still needs to be done.

If you’re a frequent Open Space Park Visitor, maybe you’ve noticed there have been quite a few changes lately.  If you’ve ever wondered why, and what’s happening to the Parks, here’s your chance to find out. There’s a document called The Jefferson County Open Space 2020-2025 Conservation Greenprint that lays out what the goals are for the next half-decade.

The Conservation Greenprint is part of a set of documents called the Jeffco Open Space 2020 – 2025 Conservation Greenprint References, which you can peruse by clicking here.

We have a summary copy of the Conservation Greenprint in our Library, which you can read and download by clicking here.

While you’re in reading mode, we also have downloadable copies of the Jeffco Open Space 2020 Preservation Progress Annual Report and the Dinosaur Ridge Master Plan 2019 in our Library — so stop and by and have a read!

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Miss Mountain Manners-PLAN Jeffco



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  1. […] When you were in the Parks this summer, do you recall seeing one of these “educational pop-ups” at the trailhead? They were everywhere, it seemed, staffed by JCOS Park Rangers and Volunteer Nature Educators. With the massive influx of visitors since the inception of COVID, spreading the messages of Trail Courtesy and Let’s Doo It are more important than ever. Both topics are key strategies in the 2020-2025 Conservation Greenprint. https://planjeffco.org/2020-2025-conservation-greenprint/ […]

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