Rattlesnake activity closes Cottonwood Canyon Trail

Jeffco Open Space closed the Cottonwood Canyon Trail in North Table Mountain Park Oct. 20 due to rattlesnake activity.  The 1-mile-long trail is accessed from the bottom of the mesa on the east side of the park. For information on closures, see https://www.jeffco.us/964/Parks

In a separate incident, a hiker who was bitten by a rattlesnake while hiking in Mount Galbraith Park on Saturday, Oct. 7, died the next day at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Lakewood. The 31-year-old was about 1 and 1/2 miles from the trailhead when he was bitten, according to the Denver Post. A friend called for help and emergency responders hiked in to help him.

Andrew DuBois

OSAC Meeting Notes Oct. 2017


Open Space Administrative Office

700 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 100, Golden, CO

October 2017 – Meeting Canceled