The Great Backyard Bird Count between Friday, February 14 & Monday, February 17. Have You Watched Any Birds Lately?

by Ann Bonnell

Birdwatching has become a leading national pastime/hobby. If you enjoy watching birds consider joining with other birdwatchers in keeping a list of birds you see between Friday, February 14 and Monday, February 17; it’s the Great Backyard Bird Count, or GBBC for short.

Over 135,000 individuals recorded their bird sightings from 100 countries in last year’s count. They counted 3,610 different species of birds. You count species and numbers of birds you see for at least 15 minutes in your backyard, driving somewhere, or in a park. If you Google the word Birdsource, you will be taken to the joint National Audubon/Cornell website where you can download a data form ahead of time and watch a video tutorial on how to go about your count and record it on eBird.

All this information is added to the Christmas Bird Count and the Cornell Feeder Watch projects. This massive amount of data from birding volunteers helps determine the habits and locations of wintering birds. If you need some help turning in your bird count information, you can check with The Front Range Birding Company – 303-979-2473, or Wild Birds Unlimited stores – 303-987-1065. The Front Range Birding Company is also having a Big Year Contest. You enter the birds that you’ve seen in 2014 on eBird and whoever has the highest number of different bird species at the end of 2014 wins. Front Range Birding Company also sponsors monthly bird trips.

If you are interested in learning more about birds in Colorado or the U.S., there are many opportunities in the Denver area. For example: I have a monthly subscription to Birdwatching Magazine. In the February issue I learned there are 10 different forms of Red Crossbills. They are differentiated not by their plumage, but by their calls! The forms may have slightly differently shaped bills depending on what species of cone they are usually extracting seeds from. In our area we could have the Ponderosa Pine Crossbill whose call sounds like “chowpchowp.” We might find the Lodgepole Pine Crossbill whose call sounds like “clip-clip.” The Crossbills are truly fascinating because their bills appear to cross over each other at the tips.

The same magazine had an interesting article on the history of the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon. Many of us learned a few years ago that the bird we call a Rock Dove that looks just like the pigeons in the park had its name changed to Rock Pigeon. I just received notice from eBird saying that all of the Rock Pigeons (formerly called Rock Doves) in the U.S. should be documented as Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon), as none of ours are really wild and all came from domestic stock. There are some places in the world which have truly wild pigeon stock, but the U.S. is not one of these.

eBird is a wonderful website where you are able to enter any list of birds you have seen on an outing or static location (like your back yard). It helps you keep track and helps Cornell University understand where birds are found year round.

Other ways to learn more: Check out the Denver Field Ornithologists website,for free birding trips each week. If you join, you can get their Lark Bunting newsletter in hard-copy or electronically. They have meetings many months of the year at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, with outstanding speakers on various birding topics. Check out Colorado Field Ornithologists for more in-depth information about Colorado Birds at They have a quarterly journal Colorado Birds. Jefferson County Open Space sponsors bird walks. The Audubon for free birding trips each week. If you join, you can get their Lark Bunting newsletter in hard-copy or electronically. They have meetings many months of the year at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, with outstanding speakers on various birding topics. Check out Colorado Field Ornithologists for more in-depth information about Colorado Birds at They have a quarterly journal Colorado Birds. Jefferson County Open Space sponsors bird walks. The Audubon Society of Greater Denver sponsors many birding programs; some are free and some have a minimal charge, Their newsletter, The Warbler, has a separate section on birding excursions. Evergreen Audubon’s newsletter The Dipper ( lists many opportunities to learn about birds. The city of Denver and Highlands Ranch both have bird walks. Many of the State Parks have special bird programs; check out their websites and your nearby State Park at Colorado Parks and Wildlife on the web. Boulder Audubon has special programs and walks. Tuesday Birders go out weekly – contact Mary Keithler –


. South Suburban Park and Rec’s Carson Center, close to Mineral and Santa Fe, sponsors special bird walks and national and international trips for bird watchers. The Denver Museum of Nature and Science sponsors monthly bird walks. Enjoy your birds and soon you will find yourself noticing more wild flowers, butterflies, trees, the sound of running streams, a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a light rain shower, “Wow, what fun.”

Jeffco Outdoors Foundation

The Jeffco Open Space Foundation, Inc. (JOSF) changed its official name to the Jeffco Outdoors Foundation (JOF) at the beginning of 2014. JOSF was started in 1998. The specific purposes for which JOSF was organized were to receive, solicit, administer and disburse gifts, grants, devises, bequests or other conveyances of real and personal property or the income derived therefrom for the benefit of the Jefferson County Open Space Division (JCOS) upon a request from the director of JCOS. JOSF received 501(c)3 status as a private foundation. The attorney that handled the IRS application believed that some potential donors would favor a private foundation over a public charitable foundation. During the past 15 years we have found that not to be the case. Also it has restricted JOSF’s ability to receive grants.

Late in 2012, JCOS Director Tom Hoby suggested that the role of JOSF be increased to include programs to get children and families into the outdoors. The JOSF Board agreed that this would be a good way to energize contributions and activities of the Foundation. Early in 2012, JOSF had provided some funds for a study to look at means of celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Open Space program. In early 2013, the JOSF Board, working with Open Space staff, decided to have a celebratory event that also would celebrate the 100th anniversary of Denver Mountain Parks and the 20th anniversary of Great Outdoors Colorado. JOF was registered as a DBA of JOSF and the Party-4-Parks event was planned, sponsors were found, and a great time was had by those who attended the April 5th gathering at the Red Rocks Visitor Center.

JOF was incorporated in late 2013. The JOF purposes listed in the articles of incorporation include: to receive, solicit, administer and disburse gifts, grants, devises, bequests or other conveyances of real and personal property or the income derived therefrom for the benefit of citizens to actively enjoy open space, parks, trails, outdoor recreational facilities and programs in and adjacent to Jefferson County. These purposes do not preclude receiving property donations for transfer to JCOS and put the power on how the funds are spent in the hands of the JOF Board rather than the JCOS Director.

Structure of JOF will consist of at least four committees:

1. The Executive Committee. Between the meetings of the Board, the day-to-day affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by an Executive Committee, the members of which shall be the officers of the Corporation and any additional directors as may be appointed by the Board.

2. Governance Committee. The Governance Committee shall prepare, review and approve all persons nominated to serve on the Board and/or as officers, recommend and prepare a ballot of qualified candidates, and send, collect and count the ballots for elections.

3. Finance Committee. The Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall be responsible to monitor the finances of the Corporation, report on such finances at each regular Board meeting, and to perform such other duties as are set forth in the Finance Committee mandate.

4. Development Committee. The Development Committee shall provide guidance and counsel on revenuegenerating plans, review, discuss, evaluate and help to implement financial development and marketing strategies for the Corporation, and shall perform such other duties as are set forth in the Development Committee mandate. Initially the Development Committee also will serve as the Grants Committee to solicit proposals for and award grants.

In late 2013 JOF applied to the IRS to have the 501 (c) 3 status changed to a public charitable foundation. The board is hoping that our application clearly demonstrates that JOSF really had operated as a public charitable foundation for its 15 years.

JOF conducted a survey in the fall of 2013 to rank potential activities and to suggest activities for JOF. Some of these include:

Land conservation/donation;

Supporting the delivery of outdoor recreation/education/activities on public land;

Outreach to the public on the importance of open spaces and nature for a high quality of life;

Nature and history education (imparting history of places/structures/stories related to parks and open space);

Conservation education, promoting appreciation of and participation in the outdoors as part of a healthy lifestyle;

Providing financial support for access/transportation for educational opportunities;

Provide access for low income and under-served audiences;

Providing financial support for outdoor/recreation programs delivered by third party organizations;

Affordable camps, expanding programs, 4-H youth development support;

Local financial support for programs outside of Jeffco;

Connecting young people to outdoor recreation experiences and public lands;

Joint promotion of outdoor activities, places and spaces for an active lifestyle;

Funding support to help organizations/agencies with the same goals as Open Space;

Finding innovative ways to finance open space acquisitions including cooperation with local land trusts;

Promotion of facilities with environmental education programs;

Partnering; Such as links to the facility’s web page from the JOF website.

Learn more about the Jeffco Outdoors Foundation at 

The Nature Conservancy protects 1M acres in Montana

Sometimes land preservation is done on a big scale. Last week, The Nature Conservancy closed on a 515-acre conservation easement, to bring the total of Montana land which is now preserved and protected from development to just over 1 million acres. One million acres of Montana protected in the 35 years that TNC has been working in the state; that’s about one acre per person. I am impressed; thanks to the efforts of the TNC and others, Montana will stay a “big sky country”.

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