Jeffco Outdoors Foundation

At their January 8, 2013 meeting, the Board of Directors of the Jeffco Open Space Foundation voted to change the name of the Foundation to the Jeffco Outdoors Foundation and to revise its objectives.

The Open Space Foundation was organized strictly for charitable and educational purposes as a 501(c)3 Private Foundation. The specific purposes for which the Foundation was organized were to receive, solicit, administer and disburse gifts, grants, devises, bequests or other conveyances of real and personal property or the income derived therefrom for the benefit of the Jefferson County Open Space Department upon a request from the director of the Jefferson County Open Space Department.

Being a Private Foundation has put limitations on being able to solicit grants and contributions and, in many cases, employer matches cannot go to a Private Foundation.

The Jeffco Outdoors Foundation will be a 501(c)3 public charity which will support public and nonprofit organizations that preserve parks, open space and remarkable places, and provide quality outdoor recreation opportunities and educational programs that foster conservation and health. As such, Jeffco Outdoors will help fund innovative programs that get children and families connected with nature and the outdoors. The Jeffco Outdoors website will provide information on parks, outdoor recreation opportunities, educational programs and the health benefits associated with getting outdoors. Jeffco Outdoors will publish regional maps showcasing public parks, outdoor recreation opportunities, regional trail connections and fun points of interest along the way for eight regions of Jefferson County. Jeffco Outdoors will continue to accept contributions of land, property, and funds for acquisition of open space park land in Jefferson County.

Note that use of Jeffco Outdoors funds will not limited to Jefferson County but will be used metro-wide, upon approval of the Board of Directors. Once legal incorporation of Jeffco Outdoors is complete, the present Board of Directors will be expanded and will include members from throughout the Metro area.

Learn more about the Jeffco Outdoors Foundation at 

Greg Stevinson to be inducted to the Jeffco Hall of Fame

It is my pleasure to announce that the Jefferson County Historical Commission has accepted the nomination of Greg Stevinson to be included as their 2013 Hall of Fame living honoree.

Hall of Fame

Each year since 1979 two individuals significant in county history or in the preservation of county history, one living and one deceased, have been named to the Hall of Fame. Their portraits are on display in the County Administration Building. See the full list: Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame Ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 2013 at Mount Vernon Country Club.

The annual Hall of Fame Ceremony is a public event at which two new designees to the Jefferson County Hall of Fame are announced, and historic sites placed on the National Register of Historic Places and the State Register of Historic Sites are recognized. Finally, historic properties designated through the County Historic Landmark Program are recognized with a Certificate of Designation.

The hall of Fame nominees should be people who have molded and shaped the history of Jefferson County in one or more of the following ways:

THE WRITTEN WORD – The nominee has written articles, stories or books on Jefferson County.

RESEARCH – The nominee has done extensive research on geology, archeology, or history of Jefferson County.

PHOTOGRAPHY – The nominee has been active in photographing or mapping Jefferson County.

POLITICAL – The nominee has contributed to or changed the course of events in Jefferson County.

INDUSTRY – The nominee has been prominent in industrial or agricultural development in Jefferson County.

PUBLIC SERVICE – The nominee has been involved in founding or promoting a charitable or public service organization.

EDUCATION – The nominee has been involved with educational progress in Jefferson County.

CULTURAL – The nominee has made artistic and/or cultural contributions specific to Jefferson County.

Greg’s contributions to Jefferson County have been numerous and quietly conveyed. From his role as chairman of the Jefferson County Open Space Advisory Committee to his personal interest in capturing local natural assets through art placed in public spaces, this honor is truly deserved.

Thea Rock

Communications Manager, Jefferson County Open Space


720.556.3354 (cell)

Read more: Greg Stevinson to be inducted to the Jeffco Hall of Fame